Preference: Last Words | Marvel

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Requested by @crustiel
Requested by @Reeses_bae (Nick Fury)

TRIGGER WARNING??? I guess. I mean, you keep dying in various, harrowing ways.

Oh, my gosh, it's Mystery Spot.

Summary: Your last words to him.

QOTP: Famous last words?

Word Count: 2465

Bruce -
"Alright. Be back soon. Love you!"

You kissed his cheek. He smiled.

He was in his lab, studying something you couldn't even begin to understand, even if he could tell you. He looks away from it now, though, to smile at you.

You smiled back. "I'm gonna run and get some groceries. Need anything?"

He thought for a second. "Deodorant and toothpaste."

You smiled and kissed him, then started to head out the door. "Alright. Be back soon. Love you!"

"Love you, too!"

You were gone longer than it should've taken you to get groceries, but Bruce didn't notice. He was doing his experiment.

Then, he got a call.

He always thought, considering his job, your death would be more gruesome. Less normal than it was.

He was terrified it would be his fault, one way or another.

But he never suspected a car accident.

[I'm boutta make myself cry someone play Asia]

Bucky -
"Don't try to find me. I love-"

One minute, everything was fine.

The next, you were knocked out, and Bucky was frantically searching for you, having no idea where you went.


He called Steve immediately and Steve called Tony. He got everyone looking for you.

Two days later, they contacted Tony, told him to get Bucky in the room. It was a live video, playing on a huge screen in the base, hidden from the rest of the world.

Bucky could see you. You couldn't see him.

You were tied to a chair, crying hysterically and shouting. "I'm not saying anything!" A gun appeared in the frame, pointed at your head. You still shook your head. "I'm not gonna let you get to him! I won't!"

The gun cocked.

Bucky was standing there, speechless, heart hammering in his chest. You looked at the camera, shaking. "B-Bucky... It's Hydra. It's a trap-" Someone shouted something at you from off screen, but you continued. "Don't try to find me. I love-"

There was a bang as the trigger was pulled. The feed cut out.

A loud, heart-wrenching sob was heard as Bucky sank to the floor, unable to stand anymore.

[it was the hEAT OF THE MOMENT]

Clint -
"If you'd keep your mouth shut for five seconds, maybe I wouldn't miss."

It was an easy mission. Infiltrate an old Hydra base and look for any documents or data you could find. Hydra's gone; it should be deserted.

It wasn't.

They sent you and Clint. They were sure it'd be empty, save for the stuff you were supposed to find.

Neither you or Clint had powers - Clint was a good shot with a bow and arrow, you were a decent shot with a gun. Hand-to-hand combat was more your strong suit, but that wasn't really an option; there was too many of them.

Imagines and Preferences: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now