Preference: Cute Moment | The Good Doctor

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Do y'all still want me to do Jared? I have zero inspiration for him now, and it's probably because he's not on the show anymore, but if y'all want me to, I'll still include him in preferences. Also, I simply cannot write for Andrews or Park as I don't see either of them that way (mostly Andrews but I do think Park could persuade me eventually). Anyway,

HOW BOUT THAT SEASON FINALE, HUH?(In your eyes I'm very late but I wrote this much earlier than it was posted.)

(Also, sorry if literally none of these are cute I tried.)

Summary: Cute moment between you two.

QOTP: Lea or Carly?

Word Count: 1225

Jared -
You know I've always been collected, calm, and chill. And you know I never look for conflict for the thrill...

It's a rare occurrence to be eating by yourself during a lunch break, but when it happens, you make sure to thoroughly enjoy it.

Which is why you're eating alone in the conference room, singing along to the music you have playing on your phone.

... but if I'm feelin' someone steppin' toward you, can't describe just what I'm feelin'...

However, some guys just don't know how to leave you alone.

Those 'some guys' being Jared.

... for you, I'd go step to a dude much bigger than me. For you, I know I would get messed up - weigh 153. For you, I would-

"Do you always sing on your lunch breaks?" He suddenly asks, leaning in the doorway.

You jump, nearly dropping your sandwich. "Do you always sneak up on people like that?"

"Not usually," he replies, smiling. You sigh, going to pause your music as he walks in the room, but he stops you. "No, leave it on. I like this song."

"Since when?"

"Since I heard you sing it." You blush despite yourself, then take a bite of your sandwich to cover it up. After a few moments, he suddenly asks, "Wanna dance?"

"What?" you reply dumbly, not sure if you heard him correctly.

"Sorry. Let me rephrase." He bows slightly, holding his hand out to you. "May I have this dance?"

You look at him for a second, then sigh and grab his hand. "Fine."

He laughs, then puts his free hand on your waist, so you put yours on his shoulder.

For you, I'd go step to a dude much bigger than me. For you, I know I would get messed up - weigh 153. For you, I would get beat to smithereens.

"This is ridiculous," you say, though you're fighting back a smile.

"It's only ridiculous if you make it ridiculous," he replies.

You know I had to do one on the record for her like this. You know I had to do one on the record for her like this. You know I had to do one on the record for her like this. You know I had to do one on the record for her if I'm feelin' someone steppin' toward you, can't describe just what I'm feelin'...

You slowly lose the formality, getting looser as the song goes on. He's spinning you, you're spinning him, and you're both laughing.

When the song ends, you sit back down to finish your lunch, then look at your phone when the song changes.

Panic seizes you. "I only have two minutes left in my lunch break."

Jared just laughs as you hurriedly eat the rest of your food and run out with your mouth full, carrying half of a cookie in one hand and a water bottle in the other.

Neil -
Walking into St. Bonaventure Hospital with your hands full, you scan the room, trying to find someone you recognize. Thankfully, you spot Claire Browne and walk over to her.

"Hey!" you say cheerfully.

She turns, smiling when she sees you. "Hey! What are you doing here?"

You nod to the bag of food in your hand. "Having lunch with Neil. Is he in his office, or...?"

She nods. "Yeah, he should be. That was last place I saw him before my lunch break started."

"Great, thanks!" With that, you make your way to Neil's office, greeting any staff that you know as you walk by.

Neil spots you through the glass walls of his office as he's walking out. "Y/N?" he asks, surprised but confused.

"Nice to see you, too," you joke.

He backtracks into his office again, holding the door for you. "It's wonderful to see you, sweetheart."

"Is that just because of the food I brought?" you ask, setting said food on his desk.

"Partly yes, partly no."

He sits down behind his desk, and you take the seat on the other side, pulling out the food you brought from yours and Neil's favorite restaurant. He begins digging in almost immediately.

"So, what's the occasion?" he asks. "It has to be important if you got Y/F/Expensive/R."

You shrug. "It's National I Love You Day?"

He actually blushes at that, but replies, "Oh, really?"

"Well, every day is National I Love You Day, but I need some sort of justification to get food from Y/F/E/R because of the dent it tends to put in my wallet."

He chuckles, though he's still blushing. "Well, every day is National I Love You Day for me, too - especially when you bring me Y/F/E/R."

"Then why don't we celebrate it more?" you ask.

"We're not made of money."

You sigh. "I know."

After a moment, he asks, "Is National I Love You Day an actual thing?"

"It is now."

Shaun -
You've just completed a fifteen hour surgery (which was originally supposed to be a lot shorter) with Shaun, Claire, and Melendez. It was successful, thankfully, but it's also two in the morning and you're physically and mentally drained.

Everyone is in the conference room, sitting down, finally getting time to rest. Claire put her head down on the table, but you know she's still awake because she's replying to Melendez, who's leaned back in his chair, looking up at the ceiling. Shaun is just sitting with slumped shoulders, also talking, and you're sitting next to him, fighting to stay awake and completely silent.

Your eyes keep closing, causing you to doze off for a few seconds at a time, and eventually, you give in to sleep, your body falling to your left side because you know Shaun's sitting there.

Your head lands on his shoulder, and he tenses up, cutting himself off in the middle of a sentence. You don't notice as you're already asleep.

Melendez, reluctantly, starts to get up. "Here, I'll help you move her to the couch-"

"No," Shaun says, though he's still tense. "That will wake her up."

"Aren't you uncomfortable?" Claire asks, her head lifting from the table.

"Yes," Shaun replies. "But she needs to sleep, and I don't want to wake her up." He looks down at you, then back to Melendez and continues the conversation as if nothing happened.

Five minutes later, someone drops something in the hallway outside, and the sound causes you to jerk awake. Once you realize you were sleeping on Shaun's shoulder, you apologize, but he just says, "It's okay," and changes the subject.

It's only until later that Claire tells you what he said while you were asleep.

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