Dreamboat | Bucky Barnes

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Thanks to @AllEverWolfheart for the votes!

Summary: You have a crush on a certain super soldier and decide to tell his best friend.

QOTP: Who do you think will die in Avengers 4?

Word Count: 1911

"Slow down, Barnes! We can't all be buff super soldiers like you, you know!" you shout to the distant figure ahead of you. He's running towards the group of bad guys you're supposed to take down.

As a team.

"Why don't you just keep up?!" he shouts back, but he slows all the same.

"Why don't you just shut up?!" you fire back, slowing to a jog. As a SHIELD agent, you're in great physical condition - it's a requirement - but you still can't keep up with a super soldier.

You never can, and he thinks it's funny.

The relationship you have with Bucky Barnes is a strange one; yoy met a few months ago when you joined the new and improved Avengers after SHIELD finally came back. You became friends, but yours is the kind of friendship where you make fun of each other constantly. Steve thought you hated each other for a solid two and a half weeks.

There's also the fact that you have a crush on him, but no one has to know that.

"While this banter is insanely entertaining, I think you two should get over here and help out a little. Just a thought," Clint says into the comms, knocking an arrow.

"We are, Bird Brain," Bucky sasses, reaching the fight, "but someone had to take care of the strays that ran out of the back exit no one seemed to know about."

"It wasn't on the blueprints!" Tony replies defensively.

"Sucks to be you, doesn't it, Barnes?" Sam says, amused.

"Sucks to be me, too," you butt in. "I have to deal with all of you. Except Wanda. Wanda's the only one who's not annoying."

She smiles, but you can't see her. "Thanks, Y/N."

"We shouldn't have time for these discussions," Nat comments. You end up near her and see her flip someone out of the corner of your eye.

"Tell me about it," you snort.

"I got the file Fury wanted," Steve announces from inside the building.

"Does that mean we can leave now?" you basically whine, punching someone in the face.

"You sound like a toddler," Bucky chides, knocking out a few stragglers.

"You are a toddler," you fire back, turning around.

Nat went off to find Bruce to calm him down, Tony, Sam, and Vision are in the air, Clint's perched on top of the building, Wanda and Steve are still in the building, and Bucky's making his way over to you.

(Thor's who-knows-where, which sucks. He makes missions a whole lot easier.)

"What happened to your face?" you ask, noticing a few cuts and fresh bruises.

"I'd ask what happened to yours, but it always looks like that," he says; you're in the same boat as him.

"Hilarious," you deadpan, causing him to laugh.

"I'm kidding, Y/L/N," he says, smiling. "You look great." You fight off your own smile and force yourself to look away; even with all the cuts and bruises, he's still cute.


"Race you to the Quinjet?" he says.

You roll your eyes. "You always win; there's no point."

Imagines and Preferences: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now