Earth. [1]

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"Sorry kid.." An elder witch mumbled, patting the girls shoulder.

Her ears drooped down, the younger witch fixing her bag. "It's okay, I'll be sent there for just a bit. Then I'll be back and home with you guys!"

The older witch smiled, pulling her in a hug. "I'll miss you Luz."

The girl hugged her back tightly. "I'll miss you too Momma Eda. I'll be back before you know it!"

She was given many kisses, another hug, and a gentle push. "Remember, you have human currency just in case it backfires!" Eda shouted after her.

The witchling waved, stepping through the portal and into the new and unknown!


So far so good, got out of the super creepy forest, met a rabid cat that ended up really liking her, and a cute doggy! "Oh such a good boy!" Luz cooed, scratching his chin.

He barked, his foot tapping on the concrete as his tail wagged swiftly. "He is isn't he?" His owner said.

Luz nodded. "What's his name?"

"Prince." The human said.

He perked up, looking at his owner. "I have a demon back home named King, he'd be really mad if he heard that you know." Luz said, rubbing his ear.

"Demon? Where you from?"


"Where's that?"

"The Boiling Isles- Oh! I'm supposed to find a place- Hey do you know where I can rent a room?"

"Like a hotel..?"

"Ooh! What's that? That sounds really odd! Hotel..Hoooteelll.." She giggled, her ears perking up.

Prince yipped, sniffing her out. "Wait why are you looking for a place?"

"Well, I was banished from my world. Something about breaking the rules and going wild." Luz shrugged, petting Prince.

His owner hummed quietly, the women deciding something in her head. "Well, do you want to stay with us? It's my day off and I'm just walking Prince today."

Luz perked up, getting slightly giddy. "I can stay with you?"

"Sure, till you're allowed back to your world I guess. Come on Prince."

Luz was kinda surprised, she just met this human, was it safe to follow? She has a good aura, her friend taught her how to sense it. She's trustworthy, seems to actually understand that she's not from here, and needs a bit of help. She had money to pay rent too, so that could work.

After a few minutes of walking, they approached this nice white house, one story, rather big to be honest. Luz awhed in amazement, following the human inside. Prince was let off his leash, the dog barking and jumping around Luz. "Right then, I'm Camilla. Camilla Noceda."

"Oh right! Introductions! I'm Luz Clawthorne, I'm from Bonesborough on The Boiling Isles. Thank you for allowing me in your home." She bowed.

Camilla ooed. "Formal and very polite, you look like an elf actually."

Luz shook her head. "Witch! There's a huge difference you know. We can do this," Luz started, making a circle in the air, producing a small ball of light. "Elves are short too. They stay like that." Luz frowned.

Camilla fixed her glasses, Prince trying to eat the ball of light. "How.. How did you do that..?"

"I'm a witch! I thought I cleared that up.."

"Dios mío.."

"Oh! ¿Hablas español tambien? Wow! That's so cool!"

"Y ella también es bilingüe.."

"You're a really interesting human Ms.Noceda!" Luz giggled.

Camilla cleared her throat nervously, calling Prince over. "Right..There's a washroom two doors down.."

"Ooh! How does it work?"

"Just uh..Turn the nozzle to the left when you want it hot..Right to cool it down or stop the flow.."

Luz thanked her, taking her bag and skipping over. The door opened, closed, and locked. "Okay Prince, I took in a witch. She seems sweet, should I keep her?"

He barked, the ball of light escaping his mouth. He let out a questioning whine, trying to catch it once more. "I gotta teach her some things then.."

|After the confusing, nice shower|

Luz shook her head, trying to get the water out of her ear. She had dried off her short hair fairly quickly. She'd probably grow it out soon though. "Ms.Noceda! I've finished! Would you like me to prepare a meal?" Luz called out.

Her ears perked up, her left one twitching. She went to round the corner, spotting Camilla flipping over a patty. Luz cooed, going over to her. She wondered what it tasted like, and what was inside. It looked purposely formed together, like it was forced to be round. Odd.

Camilla flipped the patty, Luz yelping and jumping back to the flying probably processed food. "IT JUMPED- THE FOOD JUMPED-" Luz exclaimed, hiding behind the chair.

Prince surrounded her, nudging her gently. "I made it jump, I need the other side to warm up you know." Camilla said, flipping it again.

Luz shook her head, not wanting to trust the flying patty anymore. "Bad. Very bad. Scary bad." Luz ranted.

Camilla let out a small laugh, shaking her head slowly. "Come try it, it's good I promise."

Prince barked, nudging her towards his owner. Luz hesitantly went back over to the human, her ears drooping down. "Mayo? Ketchup or Mustard?"

"Err...What's that..? Mayo..Mayoohh.." Luz repeated. "Ketchup..Ketchhhupp.. Mustard..Mustttarrddd.."

Camilla ruffled her hair, showing off all three in the corner. "Go ahead and decide, taste them if you'd like."

Luz picked up a small spoon, opening up the mayo jar. She scraped up a bit, putting the spoon in her mouth. 'Sour, but kinda sweet! Ooh~'

She giggled, licking it clean. She opened up the ketchup lid and gently squirt some in. She licked it, making an odd noise. 'Ew..To sweet..!'

She shook her head, licking the rest off just to not mix with the mustard. She put a bit in, licking it as well. 'Ooh kinda tangy.'

Luz pointed to the mayo, liking that one the most. Camilla took the jar, getting some patty buns and coating it nicely with mayo on a butter knife. She put the patty in, putting the top bun back on. "It's still hot, so be careful."

The witch ooed, taking the warm bun and biting into it. Her ears perked up, the witch taking another bite. "Gow! Goo goohhd!"

*Wow! Soo good!

Camilla smiled slightly, patting Prince's head. He barked, his tail wagging swiftly. 'I can get used to this.'

To be continued.

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