Bruises from Bruce

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a request by luxuriousmisery and we all know I'll do pretty much everything they ask of me and we know this will be reverse batfam


Clark was having a rather lovely night with Lois when there was a knock at the door. He looked at her in confusion as he'd cooked their meal so it couldn't be takeaway and it was certainly too late for it to be a package but she looked just as bewildered. "Stay here," he told her. All he wanted was one night without some criminal pulling him back to work. He deserved a break. He strained his ears to listen to what was going on in the hallway and heard quiet sniffles. A whimper. Whoever was at his door certainly wasn't anything intimidating. When he got closer to the door, he looked through it with his X-Ray vision. A child? A child on their own. 

"C'mon Clark please be in." Dick was here. On his own. Sniffling. Clark wasted no time rushing to open the door and looking down at the boy. "Hey," the acrobat greeted awkwardly. He fiddled with the straps of his backpack and kept his head down for the most part which was extremely worrying. 

"Hey Dickie, what brings you here?"

"Uhm I uhm," he paused and raised his head a little. That's when the older saw his bloodshot eyes and sickly appearance. He looked exhausted and skinny.Dick teared up a little as he opened his mouth again only to shut it immediately. He was moments from breaking down and the alien simply couldn't have that. He knelt down and opened his arms up for the teen to run into them. "Please don't let him hurt me again!" Dick wailed, burying his face in the hero's chest. Clark picked him up and brought him inside, closing the door behind him, then walking backto the living room. Lois immediately tensed upon hearing crying and whipped around to see her lover holding the small boy she knew to be Dick. She was the only journalist allowed to thoroughly interview him and through that as well as her hero boyfriend, she'd come to know him rather well. Hearing him cry would be horrible even without that connection but with it, the cries were heartbreaking. 

"Clark?" He gave her a look to be patient and she nodded. He walked over to the couch and sat down, rubbing soothing circles on the acrobat's back. They waited quietly for Dick to calm down a little more and when he did, Clark asked who this person was hurting him. 

"You have to promise me I'll be safe. Please," he sniffled. He sounded so desperate for comfort that they didn't know how much more they could take. He was such a happy soul usually that seeing him so distraught was awful. 

"We promise," Lois insisted.

"It-it's Bruce." 

Upon revealing who it was, the couple froze. Bruce? Bruce had him this scared? More importantly, Bruce was hurting him? Dick watched their expressions. They didn't know what was running through his mind but he seemed to think that they didn't believe him. He leaned back and pulled up the sleeve of his jacket to reveal a ring of bruises in the shape of a hand around his wrist. He must've been grabbed tightly for that to happen. Far too tightly. Lois gently brought his arm closer and nodded to Clark to examine it. His eyes began at the younger's wrist, finding some cracks in the bone. He then moved his eyes up the arm and focused on the shoulder. "Had to pop it back in," Dick told him when he felt his stare linger. 

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