2nd Day of Christmas

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Robin was sure he was built to deal with more than the average person. Who else could get stabbed downtown and end up back inside Teen Titan's Tower conscious without dying? There was a knife still in him too which really sold that he had to have been built for this career. Granted, he was still freaking out on the inside because there was a knife in him and as he walked through the hallway to the infirmary it didn't help that one of the only few sounds that accompanied him on the journey was his blood dripping to the floor. Already he was thinking about the recovery time on this. Ten days was the regular time but he wasn't regular so he could cut this in half and then cut it in half again if he really needed to get out there which he really did. Jump City was almost as bad as Gotham so he had to be on the money especially with a blooming team to build credit for. He had to show everyone he was the best choice of a leader and that meant doing the hard jobs like patrolling all night, potentially bleeding out and getting blood all over the walls. He'd clean that up in the morning. "Robin!" Starfire yelled. Starfire? She shouldn't be up. She needed to get rest so they could do training tomorrow. He couldn't train her tomorrow though he wouldn't be in the best condition. He'd be high as a kite on painkillers and in no way prepared to teach her. Although, she was already good at fighting. Maybe she could take over those duties whilst he recovered but he couldn't ask that of her. "Robin?" she shouted again although this time she was much closer. Blood loss was one hell of a thing, he'd tell her that for nothing. He should warn her and the others about it. In fact, he could draw on everything he learned through torture sessions, fights and so on. That could be traumatizing but the business was traumatising. They'd get hurt and see things. "You are bleed- IS THAT A KNIFE?"  

"Yes. Not a serrated knife though. I'll be okay," he assured her. "Just need to get to the infirmary and fix myself up."

"What's going on?" Raven asked tiredly. Of course she was tired, it had to be two in the morning right now. He looked over to her standing at the end of the hallway alongside Cyborg and Beast Boy. All of which needed to be in bed. He woke them up. He should be quieter next time he came in. He wasn't doing the patrol with other people now, it was just him who was used to it. "A knife-" 

"A knife is in me, I know, that's why I need to go to the infirmary."

"Why do you have a knife in you?" Cyborg shouted.

"Because I was stabbed on patrol? Why else would there be a knife in me?"

"You were stabbed?" Beast Boy shrieked. Oh yeah, these people hadn't been in Gotham. He needed to remember that these heroes weren't seasoned like him or the sidekicks he was friends with. He should check up on the others at some point but right now he needed to concentrate on the knife wound. His hand was getting tired from putting pressure on it to stop the blood from pouring out any further. 

"Yes, I was stabbed. I feel like we're going in circles." Robin continued his journey to the infirmary only now he had a group of teenagers behind him asking the same questions about the knife only reworded. 

Their medical supplies were fully stocked, thanks to an anonymous donor that was totally not Bruce Wayne. Even running away couldn't get the old man to take a step back so if Robin let him pay for a few things here and there then at least he was getting the most out of their fractured relationship. He walked around the room, gathering various things he needed before setting up a blood transfusion because he was very sure he lost half a bag. He should figure out their blood types before they did any missions together just in case. They shouldn't be bleeding out under his watch. He turned on the overhead light to the cot as he put the IV into his forearm and taped it down. "You guys should go back to bed," he told them as they continued to bicker about the knife. They were going to be exhausted tomorrow. 

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