To put it nicely, I'm not a vanilla ass bitch

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peachrcses did a big brain here so we gotta have it


Damian never liked Wally. He took up all of Dick's time and he was so obnoxious. Oh, and the lovey-dovey baby talk was absolutely sickening. Why did he feel the need to use pet names in front of the family? Why did he have to constantly have his hands on Dick's thighs or waist? Everything about the ginger annoyed him to no end. So, when he noticed marks on his brother's neck, he leapt at the chance to shove him out of the picture. But sometimes the most obvious answer isn't the right one.

The pair were staying at the Manor for the weekend and as usual, they were being lovey-dovey on the couch. They tended to keep it to a minimum but their minimum was the Wayne maximum. Wally's hand had brushed past Dick's neck, making him hiss under his breath. "You alright?" the ginger asked, gaining the attention of Damian who was trying to ignore the sickening display as best he could. Dick noticed him looking and nodded. "Yea fine. Just random sharp pain." The younger narrowed his eyes at the answer. Dick had checked if anyone was listening. Yes, that could be because he didn't want everyone to know he didn't feel so good but there was something about how he replied. Short answers. Then the way Wally seemed to reward him for hiding it by giving him a kiss on the temple. Damian didn't trust him and his suspicions were immediately raised.

When Damian was passing their bedroom, he overheard a conversation that did nothing to ease his suspicion that something sinister was going on. "You're going to have to hide those," he heard Wally's muffled voice say. He paused. What did he need to hide? 

"I know, I know. Dami is already sensing something is up," Dick replied. 

"Well, you can't tell him what's happening. Him and the rest of your family will have my head."

"I didn't tell you to give me them," he said. The conversation went quiet as someone walked around. 

"You just look pretty with my hand around your neck and you can't say you didn't like it." There was a soft hum in response. It sounded disheartened. Damian was in the right mind to burst through that door right now but he couldn't. It may put his brother in danger and it'd be his word against theirs. No doubt Dick would try to defend the sicko. How could he even call himself a hero when he did something so disgusting behind closed doors? Well, that would end soon enough. If he was putting his hand on Dick there were bound to be bruising. Wally said they would be on his neck so he just had to make sure his neck was on show. He'd have to wait until they fell asleep but he had a plan. One that was going to expose what was going on.

"Wally, have you seen my foundation?" Dick asked from the bathroom. The speedster thought for a moment. 

"Is it not next to the toothpaste?" he replied. 

"No. Dammit. I must've thought I packed it." He sighed frustratedly and walked into the bedroom. The bruises on his neck were sticking out like a sore thumb and they'd only draw unwanted questions about where he got them. "Don't you have that emergency bottle?" 

"It's not my shade anymore. I got it in summer," he pointed out. Great. Just great. 

"Baby, c'mon it's fine. We'll just say some guy got the jump on you," Wally suggested. He finished getting dressed and pulled his boyfriend in for kiss. "Nobody will think differently if we say you got it on the job." His freckled hand rested on the acrobat's shoulder, his fingers lightly tracing the bruises. "It'll be our little secret, hm?"

"Won't they be suspicious that the placement is off? This isn't how you strangle someone," he pointed out. 

"Ah. Welp, accept your fate."

"Thanks for the sympathy," Dick said through a chuckle.

"Oh, I'll make it up for you when we get home."

"I'll hold you to that."

"Grayson is being abused by that West," Damian stated once everyone was at the breakfast table. Well everyone aside from the pair. He knew they would be late to the table since they always were and this was a perfect time to bring up the issue. Last night, he took away anything that would hide the bruises on Dick's neck and anything that would hide his arms too just to be safe. His family paused and stared at him. "Damian, I know you don't like Wally but this is really serious. You can't accuse someone of abuse without evidence," Bruce said rather seriously. 

"I do have evidence. West has been acting incredibly suspicious and rewards Grayson when he so very clearly lying about his well being. I also heard last night, and I quote, "You look so pretty with my hand around your neck." This morning you'll see the bruises of his abuse and all my suspicions that he's a terrible boyfriend will be confirmed," Damian explained very confidently. His confidence is what made the rest of his family suspicious too. This wasn't his average hatred of Wally being put into words. He was incredibly serious. "If this is true, then I'll make sure something is done about it. If not, you'll have a lot to answer for," his father told him.

"I'll take care of the speedster no problem," Jason muttered. 

"Can we not have a shoot out at breakfast? It's more of an evening thing," Tim complained. He needed more coffee. 

"What's this about a shoot out?" Dick asked.

Everyone's eyes fell to the acrobat's neck and were immediately confronted with the bruises patterning the skin. He tensed up when he noticed where their eyes were and cautiously sat at the table, flashing a nervous look to his equally nervous boyfriend. "See? I told you they'd be there," Damian stated confidently. "The fact you think you have a right to lay a finger on Grayson is disgusting. You can't even consider yourself to be a hero," he added, glaring at Wally. 

"Richard, you can come to us with anything. You should've told us this was going on," Bruce told him. 

"You're so dead Wally!" Jason shouted. Dick immediately jumped up to defend his boyfriend as his brother attempted to vault over the table to attack him. 

"Hold on a god damn minute! What the hell is going on here?" he asked.

"Wally is abusing you, that's what's going on!" Tim exclaimed. The acrobat stared at him blankly as did Wally. They both looked so genuine in their confusion that even Damian second-guessed his opinion. They could fake being confused but this was real. "Wally is not in any way abusing me," he stated.

"But the bruises. How else would you get them?" Damian asked. Dick looked to Wally as the pair blushed fiercely.

"Well uhm some...some people enjoy uh being choked out," Wally began nervously. If he wasn't going to get beat up for abusing his boyfriend, he was going to be beaten up for revealing what happened in the bedroom. 

"To put it nicely, I'm not a vanilla ass bitch."

"And we're traumatised," Tim stated. "What a perfect way to start the day."

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