You're fun to annoy

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Alfred_Is_A_Badass said they wanted this as a chapter back in July on that chickenpox fic I did and I thought fuck it let's be nice...but not too nice ;)


Dick was bored. Terribly bored. So bored that boredom wasn't even the right descriptor anymore. He needed something that was more than boredom. Superior boredom. Top tier boredom. He stared at the TV, not really paying attention to whatever was playing when an ad came on for the new lego sets. Now that wouldn't really catch his attention since he didn't feel strongly either way about them on an ordinary day but this ad had something that stuck out immediately. The Lego set was Batman themed. He was bored and what would make him not bored? Being annoying. So he got his wallet and laptop and made the first steps towards annoying the hell out of his previous mentor. 

Monday. Long and drawn out as ever. Bruce always found Mondays dragged longer if he had his eldest over on the weekends. He had so much energy to him so when that energy was gone, he missed it. He sighed to himself as he worked in his home office, something he began doing so he could quickly switch between Bruce and Batman. As he was typing in the password to his computer, he noticed something underneath his monitor. He raised an eyebrow since he didn't have anything so small on his desk let alone under his monitor. It would be too easily lost in his mountains of paperwork. He picked it up, hoping it wasn't some horrible surprise set up by Tim to get back at him for working so much or for not letting him go out on Friday because he didn't do his homework. Luckily it wasn't that. It was a small Lego figure of Batman. He stared at it in complete confusion. Why the hell was there a little Batman on his desk? Both his boys didn't play with Legos and he didn't remember buying such a thing. He shrugged to himself. Maybe one of them had found it and thought it may cheer him up. He moved it to a drawer and went back to work. 

On Wednesday, Bruce was training when he noticed something small and black on the floor near the bench. He stopped and squinted but he couldn't tell what it was so he had to get closer. "Something up?" Tim called, noticing his mentor walking towards the bench with a curious look. The older hummed and knelt down to pick up the bit of plastic. Another Batman figure. A different one to the one he'd seen upstairs in his office. He looked to Tim who seemed just as confused as he was to find it. "A Lego figure?" the younger said to himself.

"Indeed. The second one I found," he replied. 


"Are you putting them around?" Tim shook his head. "Hm. I'll ask Alfred about it." 

Little did Bruce know that he'd be finding random Batman Lego figures everywhere would become his new normal for years to come. Honestly, he didn't mind it that much. After a few months and no sign this was a villain's subtle hint that they knew his secret identity, he saw it as a mild inconvenience. That was until he saw the Superman Legos. He was sat at a gala when he just so happened to put his hand in his pocket. He noticed something hard in there and almost smiled at the prospect of seeing another little Batman. That almost smile became a never smile because it wasn't Batman. It was Superman. He glared at the small figure. Whoever was doing this was getting cheeky now. He shoved it back in his pocket and drank the rest of his champagne with a huff. "What's up B?" Dick asked, noticing his mentor's sour expression. 

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