When is Grayson coming home final part

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I might take a break soon because I've got a 3000 word essay due for the end of November as part of my dissertation 





"You selfish bastard," Jason muttered. He, along with the rest of the Batfamily, had received a call urging them to meet in the Batcave. They weren't told the details but they were told they needed to be there because it was incredibly important. In their line of business, you didn't go into things blind without good reason and when Bruce was drawing you in blindly there was definitely a good reason for it. However, none of them could've guessed the important thing that required all of them was the return of their beloved Dick Grayson. He was covered in dirt, his hair a complete mess and his skin still had a ghoulish tone to it. Jason knew right off the bat what had happened in a way only he and Damian could know. He could see the slight green tinge of the Lazerous pit coursing through the acrobat's veins and it didn't take a genius to figure out who was the culprit behind giving him the shot of revival. He rushed forward to Dick and brought him into a tight hug. 

"I wasn't selfish. It simply wasn't his time," Damian insisted, unable to recognise any fault in his actions even after all he'd seen. He was like his dad in that way. 

"I'll deal with you later," the older replied. Dick had been almost limp in his arms, completely malleable in a hug he very much needed but in a way that made him seem still dead to the world. It would take a few days to adjust to everything let alone come to terms with all that had changed from a body returning to life. His joints would be sore, locking from time to time, he'd always be cold no matter how many blankets were wrapped around him nor the number of fires lit in the room and there would be a rotten taste to everything he ate no matter how fresh it was. Jason didn't know how he'd react to the incisions made by his autopsy, the scars left from the fall that crushed bones and incaved his skull. 

Admittedly, he'd been pissed off that Dick had taken his life because it was so preventable. Everyone knew the signs and everyone knew he was presenting the signs but they never said anything other than the surface-level shit you say to everyone who looks slightly down. Yet even he knew that you don't just bring people back because you feel guilty or because you can't come to terms with their absence in your life. Of course, he'd thought about bringing back Dick but he'd never actually do it because he knew better than to play God like that and coming back to life was fucking hard. It wasn't this joyous experience. It was traumatising and hard not to mention the Lazerous Pit had a way of messing with you. Damian clearly didn't understand despite his experience. Maybe he had a selective memory.

"I'm sorry," Dick whispered.

"Don't. We all let you down. Replacement, go tell Alfred he's back so he doesn't get a heart attack," he ordered. He kept an arm around the older as though he'd collapse without it and maybe he would. Coming back to life was tiring. He began to lead him towards the stairs but stopped when he felt a presence following them. "Damian, if you know what's good for you, you stay the fuck away from us." He couldn't even look at the kid. It only made his stomach churn at the lengths he went through to revive someone who didn't want to be revived. Dick would never want this even if he'd died differently yet here he was, a shaking hollow shell of the man he knew. 

"You can't keep him away from me after what I did. He's here because of me."

"Actually I can. You don't do this without at least telling someone else."

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