You're never being left alone again

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TW: Being roofied and mature themes

This gala was weird. Dick didn't like going to the ones Bruce hadn't had a personal hand in so he brought Wally along too for some support. Of course, his brothers would be somewhere around but he'd like someone he could cling to without any complaints on this occasion. They'd spent most of the night together until Wally got a phone call he needed to take. Dick gave him a small smile and encouraged him to take it outside. "I'll be fine for a few minutes," he insisted. The ginger kissed him on the cheek then walked away to answer the call. Dick felt himself go into his own little world as he tried to come to terms with the stimulus of the party. He felt like it was so cold here. There were no warm smiles when people greeted one another. It seemed even the supposed old friends didn't even share the slightest bit of interest in how one another was doing. He wondered if Bruce was like that. Sure there were a few people in this world that he cared for at least a little bit but he'd always complain about half the people he talked to and that was on a good night. "Aren't you a sight to behold?" a voice stated, grabbing Dick's attention. He turned to see a young man, only a year or two older than him. Chad Labour. He was quite well known since he made a small fortune within the first year of taking hold of the family business. He was also well known for being a creep. No one would willingly be alone with the guy and Dick didn't blame them. He felt the same. "Uhm thanks?" he responded. He nervously drank from his glass, hoping his obvious discomfort of the situation would drive Chad away. It didn't. In fact, he smirked whenever he took a sip from the glass. That was one weird fetish. "Are you liking the party?"

"It's alright. Just waiting for my boyfriend to come back. He's taking a work call," he mentioned, making sure to work in the fact he was taken. Maybe he'd get the hint he wasn't into him. Yet that didn't deter Chad at all.  

"Busy man, is he?"

"Depends on the day." There was some silence between the pair when Dick suddenly felt very light-headed. He could feel a headache coming on. Sure he hadn't had a drink for a while but one glass couldn't get him that tipsy could it? "My my, are you feeling okay?" Chad asked in a sickly sweet voice. He'd done something but Dick's mind was already working at half speed. He could see the dots, he just couldn't connect them. "How about we get you away from the crowds hm? I bet I can take better care of you than your boyfriend over there," Chad whispered the last part. Before the acrobat could protest, he was being pulled away from the rich people and down a hallway to God knows where. He tried to resist and struggled as best he could but he felt like he was going to pass out. He didn't have half the strength he usually had and that alone was terrifying. "Stop," he mumbled, unable to shout it like he'd wanted to. He felt so pathetic. So useless. He was supposed to protect people from situations like this not be a victim in one.

"What're you going to do, my dear? Fight me?" the older taunted. He pulled Dick in close but before he could attempt anything more, there was a shout.

"Get off of him!" Chad immediately let go, letting Dick collapse onto the floor in a crumpled heap. Everything was shutting down. He'd be passed out soon enough and a part of him welcomed the inky darkness. 

"I was simply-"

"Shut it. I suggest you get running before I beat your ass for even laying a finger on him." Oh, that voice was like music to Dick's ears. Wally was here. Footsteps ran away as another set ran towards him. "It's okay Dickie I've got you," Wally told him as he scooped him off the floor. Dick's eyelids felt like two one thousand-pound weights and he knew he wouldn't be able to stay awake for much longer. He felt gross too. Every movement was like motion sickness on steroids. He whined weakly, unable to tell his lover how he felt, and he hoped he could get the idea of what was wrong. "I know but you're gonna be okay." There was a conversation next but he couldn't make out the words. It sounded concerned. The intensity in everyone's voices was too much. He tried to focus on it to keep himself away but the temptation to drift away was all too powerful. 

When Dick woke up, he felt awful. He'd not felt this bad since he was given way too much chloroform during his last kidnapping. There was a terrible pain in his head that pierced through his brain. It felt like it had spikes branching out too so his whole head was throbbing. His body ached too but mostly in his joints. That wasn't too worrying since his body usually ached when he woke up. Probably because he worked it so hard in the day that it got payback first thing in the morning. Speaking of morning, Dick wasn't sure if it was. Normally when he woke up he could feel the sun on his face since both he and Wally forgot to close the curtains when they got in. Maybe this was one of the rare times they remembered but Dick wasn't so sure. In the morning, he'd be able to hear the birds chirping since they made a nest on the fire escape but they were silent now. That and he never usually woke without the alarm screaming at him to get the hell up. His stomach felt like it was being tossed like a salad. He let out a low groan at how sickly it made him feel. "Dickie?" Wally's concerned voice called. "You awake?"

"Unfortunately," he grumbled. He felt a hand touch his forehead then a dissatisfied hum.

"I'll get the doctor," Bruce stated from somewhere in the room. Why was Bruce in his bedroom? Maybe he should open his eyes and figure this out. He opened his eyes, blinking a few times at the bright white lights above him, then looked around. "Hospital?" he muttered. Why was he in the hospital? He didn't remember falling asleep there. He didn't remember going on patrol or a mission nor did he remember being messed up as Dick Grayson. He'd been at a gala, hadn't he? "Yeah, do you remember anything from the gala?" Tim asked. He thought for a while, concentrating on it. He'd been there with his family and Wally. He hated being there. Wally had gone off then..."Mother fucker," he hissed. "I'm gonna kill that guy."

"Good news Sleeping Beauty, he's been shot quite a few times. He might not make it through but you didn't hear that from me," Jason commented. Dick smirked to himself. "And don't spin this around as me loving you. It was an act of principle."

"Todd, do stop lying to yourself. Grayson's insufferable nature has grown on you," Damian stated.

The pair began to bicker to Tim had to herd them out for the sake of his brother's heart right not spiking. "So hospital? What's with that?" the acrobat asked. 

"You had a negative reaction to the drug he gave you. It sent you into a seizure. You've been unconscious for a little over three days," Wally explained.

"Oof." The ginger rolled his eyes at the lacklustre reaction. He shouldn't expect anything more at this point but he'd thought Dick would be a little more than that. Maybe a gasp or a solemn distant look. God knows how bad Wally felt. If he'd just ignored that call none of this would happen. It wasn't even important! Just a call to remind him of a meeting. What if he hadn't been fast enough? How much worse would this situation be? "You okay?" Dick asked, noticing a frown firmly set on the other's features.

"You freaked me out. I'd be a mess without you," he answered. He took the other's hand in his and squeezed. "You're never being left alone again." The acrobat chuckled. "I'm being serious."

"Seriously stupid. It was just one guy at a party." He kissed the speedster's hand and gave him a bright smile. "Next time I'll go out with you. Besides, you saved me in the end. Better late than never." Wally rolled his eyes at him. "Hey, now I can add had a seizure to my experience list."

"Don't remind me. You're resting for a while, got that? No weaselling your way out of doctor's orders."

"You sound like Bruce."

"Take that back!"

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