Random dialogue I think of

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Here's some dialogue that I think of - some are funny, some are dramatic but all of them have no way to make a full story out of

Also, some of them are obviously not canon compliant because fuck canon


"Hey Dick, you alright over there?" Tim asked. The older was walking back to his room with a shocked expression.

"Just found out Kori fucked my brother."

"Oh shit, do you need to talk?"

"No imma just go throw up and lay down until I get that mental image repressed."


"Hey Oracle, you're smart right?"

"I am indeed. Thanks for noticing," she replied, laughing to herself a little. The question came out of nowhere but she didn't doubt she'd get some context for it in a moment.

"So do you know why everything leaves me besides my trauma?" There's a long pause. "Oracle? You still there?"


"What was with the silence?" he asked through an awkward cackle.

"I was booking you a therapist."


Nightwing despised the cold and right now he was stuck in the coldest cave in the world - not a fact just his personal opinion but that may as well be fact - with his stupid speedster boyfriend. He decided it would be funny to yell yeet and caused an avalanche, blocking the pair together in the cave. Whoever says nature isn't homophobic, they're liars. Nightwing shivered and snuggled closer trying to steal as much heat as he could. "Maybe if I vibrate I can generate heat?" Flash suggested. 

"Don't you dare."

"I've gotta try," the ginger defended. Before there could be anymore argument about the issue, he began vibrating. Unfortunately, Nightwing was pressed up against him and sitting in his lap so you know where the vibrations got to. He moaned loudly which immediately made Flash stop. "Great. Now I'm horny and cold."

"I know a way we could warm up?"

"I'm not fucking you in a cave!"


"For a straight guy, your ass seems to hurt a lot," Jason stated pointedly as yet again his brother shifted awkwardly in his seat. Dick stared him straight in the eyes with a completely serious expression.

"I'm straight not boring."


"If you could, which villains would you have sex with?" Donna asked. Her question had been directed at Dick but Roy happily chipped in before he could respond. 

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