I'll miss saving the world with you pt 5

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Tim will always be Red Robin to me plus it's so confusing to write two Robins and I'm not calling him the Drake, I'd rather go through the Ric arc again

EDIT: i totally didn't notice this saying your instead of you in the title

Over dinner, they decided that only some of them should go out on patrol whilst the rest of them stayed behind with Dick. All of them could really do with punching some criminal in the face right now but they couldn't all go if they wanted to be sure to catch the fever before it got too high or if his condition got worse. None of those who say him throwing up in the bathroom would be able to forget just how pale he was. "I'll stay," Damian stated, being the first but most expected. With his near hourly visits, they doubted he'd be able to go a full patrol without sneaking off at some point to check on the older. Not that he'd admit it. 

"I have to go out," Tim said. "I've got a case to close and I have to visit Babs to go over the casework I finished for her." That and he couldn't stand to see Dick sick any longer. The weight of it all was evident on everyone's shoulders, especially with Duke suggesting it was down to their neglect. He needed to show that he had some sort of control over something and work had always allowed that.

"Cass and I have been working on this lead for months. We can't give it up now," Steph added. That was them out but for good reason. With those two alongside Tim then they already had enough to cover Gotham. Sure they'd be only just managing but it was enough.

"I'll stay," Duke offered. They looked to Jason who was pushing his food around his plate. It was incredibly unlike him, given his tendency to be the first to finish his plate. Yet today he was one of the last and had remained quiet for a long time. Also unlike him. He noticed their stares eventually and glanced up then back to his food.

"I'm staying," he huffed.

"Couldn't have pinned you for that," Tim commented offhandedly. 

"Surprisingly, I care about the dickhead upstairs," he replied hotly. 

"Here's the deal, us three will stay behind whilst you three head out. If there are any emergencies, contact us but only if you can't find anyone else. We'll contact you if there are any emergencies here," Duke announced. With nods of agreement, the deal was settled and they continued to eat in uneasy peace. The presence of their acrobat was sorely missed but they had to find some comfort in quiet. It meant that Dick was sleeping through the worst of the fever. 

Nothing could've prepared them for the scream. Seeing their fellow hero occasionally writhe with discomfort from the mind-melting fever was what they expected to be the worst part. Some of them rated seeing the wound swell and look so clearly infected as the worst part but no, it was the scream that turned out to be the worst part. They all scrambled up from their places seated at the table and raced up the stairs because the scream was so guttural that it couldn't be anything other than one that needed their presence. Damian was first to open the door and tumble inside with his siblings hot on his heels but they could all breathe a small sigh of relief to find there was no secret assailant attacking their ailing acrobat. The relief wasn't something to revel in though as that meant there was another reason as to why he'd screamed. That reason was the bane of Dick's existence. Night terrors. Most people grew out of their night terrors once they hit adulthood but they'd stuck to him like glue. He sleepwalked too although those incidents weren't nearly as often as the night terrors. Damian, since he was leading the charge and totally not because he wanted to, walked over to the older and began running his fingers through his hair. It calmed the acrobat a little but not nearly enough for anyone to feel at ease in the room.

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now