Everythings going according to plan

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I found out that Starfire can survive in space for a limited amount of time BUT I was like wow space is cold, Starfire...fire.....warm and here we are with this

Also wasn't there an episode where she cut the cameras deadass in the artic so is the artic colder than space? how cold is space? how long is the time limit here? im confused

"Uh, Rob? You doing okay?" Beast Boy asked. The team were walking through a freezing tundra to get back to the ship and safe to say their leader wasn't very happy about trudging through snow. He was shivering badly, gritting his teeth whenever a gust of wind hit him. It didn't help that there was no sun though he doubted it would do much to help but maybe he could've placebo himself to think it did. His clothes were damp too and his heating packs must've run out when they were running away from the exploding building. They really should stop blowing things up. 

"I'm fine," he lied through chattering teeth. "Why did we put the ship this far away?"

"You wanted to be covert. This is the shortest distance we could go whilst upholding that. I even told you it was a bad idea," Cyborg reminded him. He mumbled a curse and continued to drag his feet forward. Covert shmovert, the ship was way too far away. "Just admit you're cold, dude."

"I'm not cold! You guys should be the ones who are cold I mean Rae you're in a leotard."

"You're the only one who's human. These temperatures won't get to us before we reach the ship," the eldest of the group pointed out. He hummed bitterly and decided to turn his focus to just keeping up with his teammates. The last thing he needed was to be left in this awful place. Gotham was cold like this a few nights out of the year but he usually wasn't out in it this long. Nor was he going without heating packs. Even with those, he always found himself hiding in Batman's cape. Granted, he'd been a kid then and was wearing shorts. He couldn't imagine doing that now. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Starfire shooting him worried looks so he gave her a weak smile to show his alright. If his body weren't trembling like a leaf in a hurricane, it would be more effective. She subtly floated over to him though her version of subtle was very obvious for his liking. He went to say he'd be fine but she put her hand on his face to make him pause walking. He paused alright but not because of her action. It was because of how warm she was. How could she be so warm when they were in somewhere so freezing cold? Robin couldn't help but lean into her touch to steal the heat. She raised a curious eyebrow and put another hand on his face. He held onto her wrists to keep the warm hands there with a content smile. "What're you two doing?" Raven asked. 

"Testing a theory," Starfire stated. 

"Did you hypnotize him? I've not seen him this relaxed since he was tranquillized," Cyborg inquired. Starfire laughed off his comment and moved to pick up her boyfriend. He immediately wrapped himself around her and snuggled closer. She giggled as his breath tickled her neck and adjusted her grip to make sure he wouldn't slip down but that wouldn't be much of a problem since he was clinging onto her so tightly. She was like his little hot water bottle. A really strong hot water bottle. Strong and cute. Safe to say, he was loving this new position even if it would come to bite him in the ass later. 

"I solved our problem friends! We can continue our walk," she announced proudly.

"Who knew the cold would turn him so clingy?" Beast Boy muttered. 

"Is this a human thing?" Starfire asked.

"I think it's just a him thing," Raven answered.

They got home safely but Robin still held onto his girlfriend. Starfire wasn't complaining though. Considering Robin was always a bit awkward when going about hugging and the like, it was a nice change of pace to have him so content with holding onto her. She knew he was happy where he was and she wasn't going to make any moves in changing that. Their teammates decided to leave them and leave the teasing till tomorrow. After all, Robin looked like he could do with warming up and knowing him the moment someone said something he'd scurry off only for them to find out he had some sort of low-grade hypothermia. Plus Starfire was glaring at anyone who even looked like they were trying to separate the pair. They all retired early for the night since it'd been a tiring mission but that left Starfire with a problem. She and her boyfriend didn't share a room. Aside from the rare nights they shared a bed, they remained in their opposite facing rooms so they didn't get sick of each other. She glanced between the doors and decided it would be better to bring Robin into her room. It felt like an invasion of privacy to barge in there without any foreplanning. Silkie glanced up at the pair from his spot on the bed before settling back down. She patted his head and sat down on the bed. She leaned back a little to see Robin's face only to find the white lenses of his mask were closed. He'd fallen asleep on her. Sound asleep by the quiet snores. Knowing him though, he wouldn't be asleep for long. Something always compelled him to get up at all hours. She was never fully awake to know why. "I wish this could last longer. If he's only like this when he's cold then I will have to wait till winter for the same treatment," she complained. That's when it hit her. "The tower is heated. Perhaps if it broke then this could happen more often?" The larva scrunched up his face at the plan. "But if I only do it once or twice it would not be bad. He needs the contact too. This is uhm what does he call it? Needed bad?" Silkie shook his head. "Well, I am going to do it whether you like it or not. How bad can a little cold be?" Silkie stared at her and sounded like he sighed. She rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to her boyfriend. She really didn't want to wake him up but if her plan worked then they could have moments like this more often. She gently shook his shoulder, effectively shocking the shorter awake. He jumped upon the abrupt wake-up call but relaxed when he set eyes on her face. "Sorry!"

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