Royalty AU

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I've wanted to do this story for A G E S but I never had a flushed out idea of what I wanted until now so I hope you all enjoy this because this is at least a year in the making because my bitch ass brain is indecisive


They were supposed to get married tomorrow yet neither wanted this. Barbara and Dick had been friends since childhood but their love for one another never went further than platonic. Yet they always suspected this day would come despite their obvious disinterest in it. After all, Barbara was a young lady of rich blood and Dick was the adopted prince. They were the perfect match. "Babs, I need to tell you something," Dick said just before both parted ways. It was late and they were about to go to their chambers after spending a rather nerve-wracking day together. Barbara had noticed how especially nervous her soon to be husband was. He was constantly looking around the room worriedly and had been especially apologetic. "What is it?"

"No matter what happens tomorrow, know that I've treasured our time together. I wouldn't change it for the world and I hope that we can still be best friends," he said. 

"Dick, we're getting married not executed," she joked. She held his hands in hers and gave them a squeeze. Neither would ever love each other the way they were meant to but they had to accept it. The marriage had nothing to do with them really. It was purely political. Some sort of living contract to the alliance between the Wayne and the Gordon family. "I'm sure we can get our kicks in secrecy as we always have." They'd been dating random servants and peasants all their lives though it was always in secret. Not only were they dating commoners but they were dating the same sex too. If word got out, things would be a lot different. They supposed that this marriage would protect them despite it locking them both in the confines of neither wanted. "If something happens tomorrow, look after them." Her eyebrows furrowed together but he pulled away before she could ask what he meant. "Goodnight Barbara. I'm sorry."

Barbara was being dressed by her faithful servants when she heard shouting from the hallway. She impatiently waited for them to finish lacing her up before she ran outside, picking her wedding dress up so she could run faster. The person shouting was one of the guards Dick had grown close with over the years, Barry Allen. He was the fastest of the guards and had a good sense of humour so he matched up with the ever-energetic pun-loving prince. "What's going on?" she asked him. 

"Prince Dick is missing! His room was completely empty this morning! Someone must've snuck in during the night and stolen him away!" he exclaimed. Men rushed around so word must've gotten to the king. They shouted orders to one another to search various places before Barbara's father, Knight Gordon, ran over to his daughter. "We need to get you to a secure place," he told her. 

"No, I want to help find him! He can't have just vanished!" she shouted. She already felt sick from worry. Who would've kidnapped her fiance? A villain can't have just snuck into the kingdom especially since security was even higher thanks to the wedding. This had to be some type of nightmare. "We can't risk you getting kidnapped too. Barry, take her to her chambers." The man nodded and gently lead the shocked ginger back to her room. 

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now