Mess with him and you mess with me

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Connor had recently returned from a day out with Clark that had been mandated by Black Canary and forced upon by Lois. She knew little of what their relationship was other than Connor was a clone but in her eyes, she saw a sibling or a son of Clark being neglected. The team had decided to meet Connor right after the day out to see how it went in case he needed any comfort. That proved to be a good idea when he came home hellbent on destroying every punching bag there was in the gym. After some prodding, he'd admitted that Clark had been teasing him all day and at one point said he shouldn't be called Superboy because he was bringing Clark's reputation down. "That fucker," Artemis grumbled. Superman had been somewhat of the shining star of the Justice League. He was supposed to look out for the little guy and have a heart of gold but they'd all felt a little disenchanted with the person they'd seen belittle Connor. It wasn't his fault that he was a clone and it wasn't like he was doing anything particularly evil to deserve such notes. 

"I think he hates me," Connor sighed. 

"He doesn't hate you," M'gann soothed. "He's probably angry that people even got the DNA to make you and directing it at the wrong person." He frowned, shaking his head in disbelief. "Robin, you've known Clark the longest, he wouldn't be like this to someone innocent, would he?" 

"Not for much longer he won't be," he answered. They all gave him a curious look as to what he meant by that but he didn't expand upon his answer so the group carried on soothing the super. Meanwhile, Robin slipped away in key Robin fashion. He'd had just about enough of hearing the stories about what the big blue boy scout was telling someone he cared about and when Robin wasn't happy with someone, they were in for a week of hell at his hands. Mind you, you wouldn't be able to trace it back to him. You can thank Batman for that.

And a week of hell was what Clark had although he attributed it to something more villainous. At first, he thought he'd just had some bad luck but it slowly got more malicious as the week went on. 

On Monday, he'd tried to use his bus pass on his way to work but was told there was no money on it and that he needed to pay his way. It just so happened that he'd been unable to find his wallet that morning and therefore had no way to pay so he was forced to walk to work in the pouring rain. He decided that he'd just have to top it up the next day and Lois was kind enough to swap desks with him so he could warm up by the radiator.

On Tuesday his wallet was still missing and his bus pass didn't work again. He called Lois to see if he could hitch a ride with her but she was already at work by the time he asked. Another walk in, thankfully, dryer weather. Yet when he finally got into the office, the computer wouldn't let him log on. He tried about fifteen times before finally calling an IT guy to come help but when he did it, it worked. His boss criticised him for wasting time and ordered extra pages.

On Wednesday, he'd sworn off public transport and walked straight to work. Once again his computer gave him trouble and once again, the IT guy could get in on his first try. His boss once again berated him for wasting time and forced him to do another load of pages. That proved incredibly hard to do since his letters kept randomly switching and he felt like he was losing it slightly when the screen jumped around before flipping upside down. He blamed it on having one too many late nights.

Thursday was when his thoughts about bad luck turned to a villain messing with him. He got to work that morning and Lois didn't greet him which he found odd. Fearing something was wrong, he went over to her desk and smiled warmly. She glanced at him with disgust and focused on her screen. "Don't even try it," she'd told him. He'd asked what she meant and she showed him a text. It seemed normal at first, asking about having dinner tomorrow night. Then he realised what made Lois so mad. The text hadn't been sent to her. It had been forwarded to her from someone else who received it. He tried to explain that he didn't send the text and that he wouldn't ever cheat on her but she refused to hear it.

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now