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peachrcses wanted some bby Dick so let's gooo

This is reverse batfam and Dick is 5ish

When Dick was in the circus, he hardly spent any time on the ground. Part of that was because of the Flying Grayson's act. He tended to practice it a lot and members of the circus often found him jumping off whatever high place he'd managed to climb up on. The other reason was that Dick was small. He was the smallest person there so everyone picked him up to make sure he either didn't get trampled or simply so he could be somewhere everyone could see him. Dick was used to everyone and anyone simply picking him up and carrying him to somewhere he needed/wanted to be. Then he lost his parents and he assumed that his days of being picked up all the time were over. How wrong he was. Here's a collection of the Batfam picking up their smallest member. 

1. Alfred 

Alfred was cleaning as per usual when he heard huffs of frustration come from the library. Out of interest, he peeked around the corner to check on whoever was in there. He found the newly fostered acrobat jumping up and trying to grab at the shelf that was just out of his reach. "Can I help you sir?" he asked. He tried to hide his amusement at the sight as it would do nothing to ease Dick's frustration. 

"You said no climbing but I can't get the book," Dick explained with a foul look. "It's not fair. Everyone else can reach it and you took away the only way I can." He stomped his foot on the floor and folded his arms across his chest. He hated being so small now that he wasn't in the circus. There was no fun to it if he couldn't climb up things to get what he wanted. "We have the no climbing rule for a reason Master Dick," Alfred reminded him.

"How was I supposed to know the glass light would break? We didn't have those in the circus!"

"It's a chandelier sir." Dick pouted as his face went red from remembering the incident. He thought he could climb on the chandelier. He didn't know it couldn't take his weight. It's not like he meant to cost Bruce all that money and cut himself on the glass. Maybe if the rule was you can climb on one thing then maybe he wouldn't be so upset by it. He sniffled as anger-fueled tears threatened to fall. "I shall inform Master Bruce to buy a step stool for you," Alfred said, though that didn't make the younger stop pouting. "For now, you'll just have to ask someone to get it for you." That didn't seem to do the trick either. "Here, let me help you." He walked over and picked the boy up, resting him on his hip. "There. Now you can get your book." Dick lit up and he took the book he wanted. 

"Thank you, Alfie!"

2. Bruce 

Silence. Now that was weird. Bruce frowned to himself when he noticed that he could no longer hear Dick cackling somewhere. He'd been working in his office as Dick played somewhere in the Manor. How long had it been since he'd taken a break? His eyes fell on the time at the bottom right-hand corner of his screen. 10 pm. Crap. Two hours ago he was supposed to be putting Dick to bed since Alfred couldn't do it. His butler was on strict bed rest after coming down with a nasty case of the flu. That meant no one had put the boy to bed and if he couldn't hear the boy then he was probably off making mischief. Bruce sighed, knowing that if word got to his butler he'd be lectured nonstop about it. Scratch that, if word got out to any of his older siblings he'd be lectured nonstop about it. Bruce counted his lucky stars that they'd all gone on a mission beforehand. He got up from his desk and went straight to Dick's room, hoping he'd just put himself to bed. The acrobat wasn't there. Great. 

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