Without fear

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There's this one episode of Batman Adventures where he gets his sense of fear taken away from him and I felt like I need to do that with Dick then I got a request which perfectly fit my idea - there's some inspo from that one episode of merlin where he tries to kill arthur since i thought it could be cool to add some light stuff in there

also might have mixed up timelines but it's dc i can do what i want if they get to make dc vs vampires

Ilike_cringe sorry it took so long to get around to this!!

Dick woke up feeling off. Not bad off or today will be horrible off. Just off. Like a bit of his brain hadn't fully woken up yet and was laying dormant despite the rest of him being fully awake. The night prior, he'd been fighting Scarecrow and at some point, during the fight, he'd been hit by a sweet-smelling gas, unlike any fear gas he was aware of. It also didn't do anything. He'd thought at the time that the villain was losing their edge and simply messed up the chemical reaction, making a dollar store perfume instead of nightmare fuel. He'd shrugged it off since not every scientist gets their formulas right on the first try and went about his night hardly thinking about the encounter so he supposed this weird feeling must be part of the chemicals he'd been hit with. Despite thinking this, he didn't feel an ounce of anxiety about all the side effects waiting beneath the surface. It was actually quite nice. He was always on edge as a hero so waking up with that pit of dread at the bottom of his stomach was a relief. Maybe Scarecrow accidentally made an effective Xanax or something. Again, he didn't worry about what that could lead to. He felt fine enough. He actually felt content enough to play on his phone before making any effort to get dressed for school. It'd be fine.

Twenty minutes later there was a knock at the door and he mindlessly shouted for whoever it was to come in. Alfred entered with a raised eyebrow and frowned when he saw the teen was still in bed with his pyjamas still on. Any other morning and Dick would've been in his uniform with his pyjamas at the bottom of the bed ready for the butler to clean but not today. He didn't even bat an eye at the older.

"Are you alright, Master Dick?" the older asked. He put a hand against the boy's forehead, feeling mild warmth that could be the beginnings of a fever but could also be due to staying under the thick bed sheets for too long. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just playing a game," Dick answered casually. 

"Shouldn't you be getting ready for school?"

"Wasn't planning on it to be honest." Again his tone was casual. Too casual. It was like he was talking to a peer rather than a sort of authoritative figure. "Thought I could stay here today."

"Why? Are you sick?"

"Nah, I don't wanna go to school so I'm just not gonna go." That had Alfred stunned into silence for a good few moments. Sure he expected someone who was used to an action-packed life not to want to go to school but it was stated with such firmness like it was a real option he had. It wasn't whining as to be expected from every teenager. Dick had no intention of going to school. 

"Did something happen, sir?" 

"Uh, not really? Bullies have been pretty quiet since Jenkins got suspended and I think I have a crush on the guy from the football team but I'm pretty sure I just respect his drive. That's about it." Again, the butler was stunned into silence. The Dick he knew was never this open about his thoughts. The most he could get out of him regarding school were grades and random bouts of gossip about the popular kids. He didn't even know Dick had bullies nor that one of them was suspended and if he didn't know then Bruce definitely didn't know. "I can give you my pyjamas if that's what you came in here for but I don't fancy getting changed into my school clothes. Is my hoodie washed?"

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