Bad Dad

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i literally never do anything about Mari Grayson because I have a personal vendetta against kids WHICH SOUNDS BAD BUT I JUST I HAVE THING ABOUT CREATORS NOT KNOWING WHAT ELSE TO DO WITH STRAIGHT COUPLES SO THEY GIVE THEM A CHILD

anyway this will be the only oneshot i do about Mari because I couldn't get over this idea


Kori was pregnant and Dick was trying his absolute best to make sure she had everything she needed. He doted on her like the member of royalty she was and always made sure they had everything they needed for the baby. She'd been relieved by his ecstatic reaction to the unexpected pregnancy, half expecting him to freeze up at the very notion of a child. She remembered how he got a bright grin when she came out with it and gushed about how nice it would be before stopping himself and ensuring that she was prepared for the change. After all, she'd be carrying their baby. 

"It's your body of course I wouldn't ever-" She silenced him with a kiss which he melted into. Her hands cupped his face whilst his arms wrapped around her waist to pull her closer. Kori felt him smile against her lips and pulled away to return it.

"I would like to keep the baby," she assured him. 

"Okay cool, wow, geez," Dick rambled, completely flustered. "We should uhm- do you need an alien doctor or?"

"I believe a return to my planet will be necessary."

"Okay, I'll set up the flight and everything don't worry about it. I'm gonna be a dad! You're gonna be a mum!"

The memory was one she remembered fondly and would definitely be relaying to their child once they were born. They'd decided to keep the sex of the baby a surprise since they both hated how kids were talked about before they even arrive. "Oh he'll be such a lady killer with a dad like that" or "she'll be breaking hearts just like her mum." They both agreed it was gross and wanted no part of it. Keeping things genderneutral was a good way to avoid the comments. 

Everything to do with their baby, they did together and it came as such a relief to Kori that she wouldn't be left alone with the process. She'd heard that it was almost tradition that men become hands-off with children and she didn't want that. It was their child, not just hers and therefore she shouldn't be responsible for everything and anything. Dick was thankfully aware of her needs and took care of things like shopping or putting cribs together. Though it had been very funny to see a man she considered quite smart struggling with Ikea furniture. The one thing she was most appreciative of was Dick's drive to be a good parent. He bought books and books on different parenting styles, noting everything down so he could give her the gist of things. He must've watched every YouTube video there was with the keywords "good dad" in the title. He stayed up late reading and woke up early to devour tips and tricks on bonding with your kids. It was reassuring that he was so passionate to make sure he was getting things right until she noticed how anxious he'd been. His shoulders were nearly always tense and he'd stopped sleeping in the same bed with her. His argument for the latter was that his night terrors could make him lash out and he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he hurt her or the baby. Yet she noticed on her late-night bathroom trips that he was up reading on his tablet. Kori considered herself to be perceptive and she'd learned over the years of their relationship that she had to be to sense what was going on with her partner. He was absolutely awful at asking for help and no doubt her pregnancy was only amplifying that ineptness. 

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now