I'll miss saving the world with you pt 4

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Now with quite a few driving violations under his belt that would be someone else's problem, Jason parked up the car as fast as he could and hurriedly lead Leslie inside. Alfred must've heard the car pull up as he waited by the stairs to accompany them to Dick's room. They chose not to notice the worry pulling on his features upon seeing them nor address that her presence was needed. "Hello Dr Leslie," he greeted. She gave him a sad smile in return along with a little wave. She never really was good at comforting him when his boys were hurt. "He's just upstairs. The others are with him. He's apparently vomited and his fever is quite high. I've had to redo his dressing as the stitches burst." She nodded, making a mental note of the new information as they climbed the stairs. Alfred opened the door to Dick's bedroom to reveal a very pale acrobat surrounded by ice packs and worried family members. At first, she thought the severe sweating was simply from the condensation of the ice but upon closer look she noticed it was drenching him rather than just the areas near the bags. He looked like he was on the verge of truly sleeping which made Leslie feel a bit guilty about putting a stop to that plan in order to conduct her examination. His siblings greeted her silently with a look of an acknowledgement as she crossed the room and gently put a hand on his knee to stir him awake. Her attempt at a light awakening made him jump awake and attempt to scramble away before his feverish gaze took in what he was looking at. "Hello Dick, I've been told you're not feeling very well," she told him to help him put together the remaining dots. "I've been told it's stemmed from an injury you received on Wednesday?" Dick stared at her for a little too long before actually taking in what she said. When he did, he looked between her and Alfred.

"Yeah uh, Alfie fixed it though?" he questioned as he moved the sheets to show the injury. 

"I'm just looking over his work," she assured him. "I'd like to look over him in private. Would you all mind leaving the room?" They nodded reluctantly and shuffled out of the room. No doubt they wouldn't be far in case she needed them but she'd much rather they be out of sight. She knew what the family was like and she didn't fancy having them looking over her shoulder the entire time. A hurried doctor is a hazardous doctor. "Now, how are you feeling?"

"Well I've got a fever and I threw up before. I got confused before but I'm better now, just warm and it's kinda hard to think properly," he explained although his voice seemed spacey. Leslie raised an eyebrow at the last part so he continued. "I thought I was back with Tiger before I got back in bed. Maybe the ice cooled me down?" The fever was high then but she didn't tell him that. She got out a thermometer and put it in his mouth, waiting a moment for it read then taking it away. Yep, it was high. Not high enough for the hospital yet but it was high enough to worry about. She'd fetch Alfred to pick up some from the facilities downstairs. A fluid IV would also be helpful in looking at how much he was sweating and some stronger fast-acting antibiotics. She didn't like the looks of this and the quicker it was nipped in the bud, the better.

"How long have you been feeling sick?" she asked. He shrugged in response but she wasn't having that. That worked when he had a cold that turned into flu or when he dislocated a finger for a party trick rather than fighting. It didn't work for this. "Jason told me about your behaviours since Bruce died even if it was briefly. I'm aware of your history but he seems to believe this was unintentional so I suggest you tell me otherwise I may have reason to believe otherwise."

"I swear I didn't mean to!" he blurted out. "I just got caught up with everyone that I didn't even notice. I've been feeling run down lately but I didn't think it was anything worse than burnout. They needed me to be there." She frowned empathetically and turned her attention to the wound. Carefully, she put on latex gloves and began to peel away the bandages to assess exactly how screwed the acrobat was. "Alfred called you."

"He did indeed," she replied, taking note of the sore skin. 

"Not a hospital trip but bad enough to call you," he continued, verging on rambling. He laid back with a sigh and stared at the ceiling. Watching her work was making him queasy. "B would kill me if he saw this."

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