You can drive all night

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SMay092 requested this

I'm gonna be using some medical shows as references for storylines so if there are any medical inaccuracies that's their fault and the use of any tropes is just because it's a trope


Dick wasn't paying much attention to the road but he thought he'd get away with it since he was the only car there at this time of night. If there were others on the road then maybe he'd think twice about letting his mind wander and be more mindful of his foot hitting the gas pedal. The wind rushing through his open window felt cool on his skin and the soft pattering of rain against his windshield lulled him into a false sense of security. The light rain created a mosaic against the glass and spat into the car onto his bare elbow that rested on the car door. He didn't mind that though. He needed it to ground him from what he'd seen that night. 

There were few things that could rattle a veteran of the game such as himself. One of them was the young victims he'd come across every so often with a letter left behind that was his only means of letting the family know of their child's fate. Sometimes, on particularly horrible occasions, there'd be no one to contact even with the letter as evidence because there was no one left to contact. He'd be the witness to the end of a family name, the disappearance of a line of people. Those got to him. He too was the end of a line of people and he'd had thoughts of cutting the story short a few chapters early yet he never got to the edge. Seeing the aftermath of thoughts he'd had always gave him a sick feeling like when you're a kid sitting through an anti-smoking class knowing for a fact you're going to smoke behind the bike shed after the lesson. So, on nights like these, he drove. 

Tonight he was heading somewhere near Metropolis but honestly, he didn't know where his destination was. Currently, he was driving through what appeared to be countryside with long stretches of grass and run-down wooden fencing. The fine rain created a mist of sorts which his headlights only just managed to pierce through and outside of the beams, everything was just blobs. It didn't help that it was late into the night, the night sky was as black as ink. He tapped away at the steering wheel, slightly off-beat with the song playing on the radio that fizzled into static every now and then. He took in a deep breath and tried to wipe away the mental image he had of that night's trauma. Just him and the road to destress.

About fifty feet ahead was Jon who was currently flying blindly at car level, furiously wiping away the tears that filled his eyes every few seconds. He'd gotten into a fight with Clark about schoolwork. Silly, he knew that, but it'd been building up for months with little digs here and there from both sides before it finally blew up. He'd been hiding his failing grades in English but the report cards he'd been ripping up finally made their way to his parents and Clark was not happy at all. The class wasn't hard, his teacher just gave him a hard time by assigning fifty different projects. Okay, fifty was over-exaggerating but it was still far too much! Clark wasn't listening to him as he tried to explain he was being given too much work rather than avoiding his work, Lois was doing her best to mediate between them but ultimately failed and he was sent to his room. Grounded. 

Well, he wasn't happy about that one bit and with his emotions everywhere, he made the executive decision that he was too dangerous to be at home so he decided to run away. Well, fly away. He didn't know where he was flying to exactly but he knew he was flying to a place he could be alone and calm down. Then he'd just sneak back in whilst Clark was on patrol and go over things in a calm way. He was vaguely aware that he was flying in the direction of Bludhaven and a small part of him wondered if he was seeking the comfort of Dick or maybe he'd fly further to Gotham and seek that comfort from Damian. Either or, he was flying into Batfamily territory instinctively. With his focus remaining on wiping away seemingly infinite tears and desperately trying to calm himself down, he didn't think to watch the road that had been empty for miles. 

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