Neko! Dick pt 3

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meow meow bitch

There were some benefits to living with the Wayne's that Dick focused on to pass the time. One is that he was taught English so he could communicate better. It was still difficult when he couldn't get the translation in his head to be fast enough but he was making progress at a swift rate. It was nice understanding the jokes that weren't some kind of inside reference that Jason made and he could actually read some of the books in the library to pass the time. "So how do you know the English that you do know?" Tim had asked. He was watching the boy finish up matching up words to the right tenses, surprised at how quick he was able to do it. 

"Mama taught me. I know bits from everywhere," he explained, throwing his hands in the air enthusiastically to show just how far his language capabilities could go. The older chuckled at him but it didn't feel demeaning. He liked Tim though he usually didn't see him all that often. The same could be said with Damian and Bruce. They were hardly around and he found himself finding the most time with Alfred or Jason when he wasn't at school. That was another part. Alfred would tell him stories about everyone and he'd always give him sweet treats if he did a good job cleaning. The butler was the only one who could pet him without asking too. He didn't know what it was but there was something about Alfred that always put him at ease. Jason was cool too. He taught him how to play Mortal Combat but preferred when they played Mario Kart because he always won. Damian was a different story entirely. Dick hardly saw him and when he did, the guy wanted nothing to do with him. He was always busy with something and acted as though everyone was a bother. Still, he intrigued the young acrobat. Had he the confidence, he'd probably make the effort to ask him what his deal was. "Hey Dickie, I was thinking about how you've been living with Selina for a while," Tim began, grabbing the boy's wandering attention. 

"What about it?"

"Well, would you want to live there once she's better? I mean it mustn't be very fun."

"Of course it is! We play dress up and play robbers. I know how to pick lock every door in the city pretty much," he replied happily. "I can't wait to go back. I'll take good care of her too!" He finished his task and looked to Tim expectedly. The older hummed and glanced over his answers. 

"Check your past tense." He scowled at the paper and thought hard. "I'm not saying you can't see her again but it might be better to live here. With us." Dick paused what he was doing and looked up to meet the others eyes almost fearfully.

"Does Selina not want me anymore?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Oh God no no- I was just- you know what forget I said anything. You've done enough work for today, how about you go see if Alfred has any treats for you?" The younger nodded, perking back up before skipping out the room. Tim sighed and put his head in his hands. He really needed to work on his wording. 

"That went down like a lead balloon," Jason commented, strolling into the room. Tim hummed in response and began packing up the class supplies. "Why'd you even bring it up to the kid? He and Selina are like this," he continued, crossing his fingers. He snatched up the TV remote and laid on the couch as he waited for a response. 

"I know she means well but she'll only bring that boy into a life of crime. It's not like he'll be able to go to school with a known criminal as a guardian. He'll be trapped in the circle-"

"Let me stop you there Timbo. You have no room to talk," he interrupted. "Think about it, Bruce brought us in, trained us and then we fought crime. We'll never have normal lives and you can't say your schoolwork has never been effected. Not to mention Damian croaked at one point." He flipped through the channels as the older sulked. "Look dude, let him stay with her. She's not exactly the worst person to be around and you can pop round to lecture him or some shit." Jason thought about where Tim was coming from and sat up immediately. He narrowed his eyes at him. 

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