Anythin' for my lil bro

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something a lil Connor centric for Morally_Gray for their birthday!!


Enhanced hearing always sounds better than it feels. It can let you hear danger from a mile off or allow you to truly take in how much life there was in the world around you. Sitting in a field would be a symphony. Yet on this night in the middle of winter, enhanced hearing only made the anger of nature fiercer. Connor was used to his enhanced hearing. He had to be since he was living with it constantly. The sound of heartbeats, breathing and that one leaky faucet that was inescapable had all become white noise to him. Sure sleep was never the easiest thing to achieve but he managed to get more than Robin. That wasn't saying much but at least he wasn't the worst. He didn't really get the point of sleep either. Close your eyes and waste time standing there? What's the good of that? None that he could see. So one night during a horrible storm, he wasn't bothered by the lack of sleep he was getting thanks to the noise. It was the noise itself that bothered him. Every crack of lightning struck the ground and every roll of thunder felt like they were striking his eardrums with pins. It hurt to hear the waves thrash against the shore and vibrate through his head. Thanks to enhanced hearing, there was no escape from the sound but that didn't stop him from looking for something to bring him comfort. Thankfully, there was another person up but not for the same reason. 

Connor had his hands clamped over his ears as he walked through the halls of the mountain. He could hear the rain pounding the roof above him and trickling down to the ground. It sent shivers of displeasure down his spine. How people listened to rain noises to sleep, he would never know. His vision was blurred from the sheer overstimulation which made navigating the space much harder than it needed to be. He knew the way from his room to the kitchen so he stuck to that route. The kitchen wouldn't do much for him though. It was too late at night for Dinah to be there to offer some comfort and the others would be sleeping off their last mission. His footsteps felt like he was stepping on his brain, booming in his mind. Enhanced hearing was going to be the end of him. Everything felt like a personal attack against his ability to hear. How did Superman deal with it? Didn't he work in a city? They were a good few miles from the city and he could still sometimes hear the cars honking at one another if it was a particularly peaceful night. As he mused about how his mentor could possibly deal with the overhaul of sound, he heard a new player enter the game of "What sound will make Connor lose his mind?" Typing. It was soft, almost mindful of his hearing with how soft it was. Maybe, just maybe, if he focused on that sound he'd feel better. It was faint so he had to really concentrate on the frequency. Soft. Faint. Comforting. The typing soothed his aching brain in some way. It was a nice thing to focus on at least. It was also in the direction of the kitchen. Maybe Dinah was here this late at night. He continued his journey to the kitchen, concentrating solely on typing. None of the other noises was left exactly but they weren't blaring all at the same time. Random crashes would make him jump and forget what he was supposed to be focusing on but for the most part, he was able to keep the typing as the main focus. Then breathing came into the mix. Low and slow. Calm. Could be Dinah. Then came a soft sipping noise. A smell of coffee attacked his senses. There was no sweetness to it. It was abrupt. Black coffee. Dinah didn't drink black coffee. The only person who could handle that was Robin. Robin. He was smart. He was quiet too. He knew to be quiet. That was part of his thing when he worked with the ever silent Batman. It was interesting considering he could speak almost as fast as Wally but then be completely silent on missions. Connor was appreciative of him being quiet and smart. Maybe he'd have an idea of how to avoid the noise. 

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now