11th Day of Christmas

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Is this a sorta part 2 of Tim reminding Dick he has options? Mayhaps...

Winter was one of the worst months to be a vigilante in skintight clothes and with a shitty building manager who took three to four business days to understand that the heating wasn't working and four more days to do something about it only for it to inevitably break. Safe to say, Nightwing wasn't having a great time during this season. Especially when he'd gone a week without heating in his flat and patrolled every night despite the weather. Another thing that didn't help was Haley going in for a check-up but having to be kept a few nights at the vet for various things. They assured him none of it was his fault but the guilt was something he was good at. "I'm sure she'll be okay and it's probably best she isn't there since they still haven't fixed the heating even after all this time which is just ridiculous," Oracle assured him when he complained about it.

"My sentiments exactly. He said he manages so many properties so we need to be patient but it's bullshit," he answered. His breath clouded in front of him as though to mock how cold he was. It wasn't below freezing that night but he hadn't felt warm in so long that it may as well have been. He only knew his toes and fingers were still there because he could see them. That and whenever he held a bowl of warm soup his fingers felt like they were on fire. 

"Can't you stay with Bats or will your pride turn you into a Nightwing icicle?" she joked. He tutted at her as he rubbed his hands together to generate heat. It didn't do anything but at least he was doing something. He was currently on a stakeout mission which meant waiting around for something interesting to happen. Not the best activity to do when it was snowing and he was shivering like a leaf in a hurricane. He was doing his best not to let the chatter translate over the comms because he knew she'd haul his ass home. 

"I can't stay with them. Got into a fight with B about Damian. I told him that he needs to be more encouraging but then he turns around and tells me I'm not the kid's father," he explained. They hadn't spoken in two weeks since the argument happened and he intended to keep the contact on the low until Bruce admitted he was wrong. It wasn't fair he palmed off his kid onto the acrobat whenever he felt like it but wouldn't give Dick the respect he deserved for doing the job. Frankly, he'd rather freeze than go over there. 

"Yeah that sucks," she concurred.

"Besides, he's in France for the weekend with Damian. Alfred went with them too. I can't just go into the house with nobody there after an argument. It's weird."

"You could stay with me? I've got the space and I wouldn't mind bossing you around."

"Oh, I'm just whinging. I survived winters in a caravan with the circus. Can't be much longer till they turn on the heating again and maybe it'll kill off the cockroaches," he assured her, not wanting to be a bother. She hummed sceptically and he had a feeling she'd repeat the offer when he was more worn down but he was too tired to think about that now. Wait, tired? He shouldn't be tired. He'd barely begun the night and he hadn't even gotten any action in! The most he got was on the way over telling some people smoking weed to do it on the other side of the street because the police patrolled around there. They didn't even make a fuss, they just thanked him. Why was he tired? The cold maybe? He shook his head and looked down at the street he was supposed to be watching. His eyelids felt heavy but resting his face against the snow for a moment gave him a boost. 



"Just checking you're still there. You weren't responding," she told him.

"Sorry I spaced out thinking about cockroaches," he lied. 

"Well look alive. Our dealer is here."

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