The Dick Web

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_GetTraughtOrGetDead wanted cross-dressing and Dick's only fans so here we are

Remember when my titles weren't weird? Me neither

Slight CW for suggestive themes 

"Hey Babs, can you come here for a sec?" Dick yelled from the bedroom.

"Yeah!" Barbara called back. She smiled to herself, wondering what she'd walk in on. You see, Dick was preparing for an undercover job at a local bar where they suspected a drug business to be working behind the scenes. The problem was the only people allowed backstage where they could get close enough to get information were the performers and the only performers they hired were drag queens. Barbara opened the door, her phone poised to take a photo of whatever greeted her, and found her boyfriend struggling to fit a skirt over his thighs. She quickly took a picture before he noticed and put her phone away. "Can you help me get this thing on? I'm gonna pop my tuck trying any harder to get it to fit," he said when he saw her come into his field of vision. 

"Have you tried unzipping it?" she asked, a taunting hum to her voice. He paused and looked at the skirt. There was a small zip on the side he must've missed. He unzipped it and it slid up. "Nice going dumbass."

"Leave me alone. It's been ages since I've worn a skirt," he replied.

"Because you kept stretching out mine." He tutted at her and looked himself up and down in the mirror. He wore a large breastplate covered with a sparkly nude illusion bodysuit and a just as sparkly silver skirt. He planned to rip it off at some point since it wasn't made out of the best material. Plus it would add a fun layer to his performance. He moved the bleach blonde wig he had on, making sure the rainbow wig beneath it was fully hidden. "Not my fault my ass is bigger than yours," he commented. His girlfriend rolled her eyes, slapping his ass as hard as she could. "Hey!"

"What? I know you love it," she responded. "And everyone's gonna see that thing tonight, let me one-up them by getting to touch it." Dick laughed at her and snaked his arms around her waist. 

"I'm not gonna lie, I do love it when you get possessive." She smirked at him, twirling the hair of the wig between her fingers. He could pull off a more natural look though he'd insisted on wanting makeup like Trixie Mattel. "I'll remember that when we get back." He moved away from her and finished off some of his makeup.

"Are there going to be any additions to the Dick Web tonight?" he asked, smirking at her in the mirror. Barbara grinned and nodded.

"You betcha. I thought we could get some pictures during the performance and maybe afterward too? We could have you in just the skirt, no drag," she suggested. 

"I'm down as long as I get my payment after." 

"Of course. All of that hard work for nothing would simply be rude."

The club was warm but Dick didn't mind. He knew the song by heart and the routine as though it were the back of his hand. "Nervous?" a queen asked. 

"Not really. I've been playing a straight guy half my life, I think my performing skills are up to par," he replied. They laughed at him as they messed with the setting on the mic.

"What's your name again love?" 

"Kylie Lip Clit." They tutted at the name though it did make them smirk. 

"Your song?"

"Circus by Britney Spears." 

"Nice first song. You ready?" 

"As I'll ever be."

Barbara didn't really need to be there for the performance but then again the Dick Web wouldn't get some top-notch pictures. To make sure Dick remained anonymous, she'd photoshop a small mask onto all the pictures but since he was in drag that saved her the job. She pushed her way to the front and got out her phone. "Please welcome to the stage for her debut performance, Kylie Lip Clit!" The crowd erupted into cheers as Dick stepped onto the stage. He had the highest heels any of them had seen all evening which was rather impressive given this was his first performance in drag. They went quiet to hear what song he'd perform to. The first beat hit and they all excitedly cheered. Dick snapped into a new pose every beat until the lyrics kicked in. His performance was pack filled with splits, kicks, slut drops, and death drops. Not to mention he revved up the crowd when he threw off his skirt with one hand and his first wig with the other to reveal another wig underneath. Barbara was in the perfect position to catch close-ups and was able to capture everything that made the crowd go wild. 

Tonight was posting night on the Dick Web. Many heroes, and some villains who Dick may or may not have sent to link to out of interest, waited for blurred photos to pop up with the prompt to enter in a set amount of money. $5 got you the clean pictures that had a watermark over them and weren't the best quality. Those pictures were normally ones Tim got from the odd CCTV camera that was in the right place at the right time. $10 got you clean pictures without the watermark. These were contributed by Tim and Jason when he wanted some money. $20 got you something NSFW but with a watermark. $30 got you ones without the watermark and tended to be more NSFW. Finally, $50 got you a completely NSFW photo that you could ask for in advance. "Dick, are you sure about all of these?" Barbara asked, showing him the photos. She never liked to post things without his permission. He sat behind her and glanced over them. 

"Looks good," he replied before placing a light kiss on her cheek. "You like them?"

"I love them. You know what I love even more though?" He shrugged. "That I get the real thing for free." He cackled softly as he wrapped his arms around her waist. She leaned back so her head rested against his chest. "You're a good sport, Dickie."

"Are you kidding? People paying to see me half naked is the biggest ego boost ever."

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