Let's hope a virgin doesn't need to light a candle

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joanna19967 requested this so here we go

Dick was fast asleep when he felt a paw bap him on his nose. He grumbled sleepily and turned his head away but was met another bap. "Alfred nooooo," he whined, pulling the covers over his head. Damian's cat usually stayed with his owner yet today the black and white cat had slinked into his room and decided to cause some trouble. Just like its owner. A loud meow followed so he pulled his sheets down so only his head was peaking out to see what was up with the feline. He locked eyes with the cat sitting on his chest with a frown as he quickly came to a realisation. This cat wasn't Alfred. This cat's eyes were a bright green and this cat was all black, both of which were traits that Alfred did not share. He furrowed his eyebrows and sat up, careful not to jostle the imposter kitten too much. They were considerably lighter than Alfred and also smaller. He'd dare say that this cat was cuter than Damian's pet but he'd rather live to see old age. He reached out to pet them but a paw stopped him dead in his tracks. He quickly retracted his hand only for the cat to look guilty. "Did Damian find you last night?" Dick wondered aloud. The cat shook their head. Wait...THE CAT SHOOK THEIR HEAD? "Did you just shake your head?" The cat nodded. Oh, he was well and truly losing his grip. He knew sleep deprivation was bad for you but he didn't think it would be this bad. Maybe it was his pain meds although he would certainly remember if one of the side effects was communicating with felines. No there was no way this cat was understanding him. "Okay test time. Blink if you can understand me," he ordered. Of course, the cat wouldn't blink this was just a cat. They knew three words and nearly all of them were about food. Without missing a beat, the cat blinked. "Either I'm losing it or you can understand me. Walls wasn't kidding when he called me a Disney princess hm?" The cat meowed loudly and got up, walking to the end of the bed and pacing impatiently. "Do you want me to go somewhere?" A nod. "Alright, I guess." The acrobat got up out of bed with a yawn and a stretch, cracking his back and hissing at the aches formed over his sleep. He still believed this cat wasn't actually communicating with him but if Damian wasn't around then he supposed he should look after the new pet. Granted, he should probably stay in bed since this predicament may be a side effect of the concussion he got the other night. The cat walked over to him and pawed at his arm. He tutted at them. "I'm going just give me a second." He stood up and the cat jumped off the bed, walking over to the door that was left ajar. He really hope this cat was safe to have in the house. He wasn't in the mood to follow a kitty with fleas around the manor.

The acrobat followed the cat down the hall, down the stairs, and down another hall until they got to the fireplace that hid the entrance to the Batcave. Dick looked to the cat then looked to the entrance then back to the cat. "That's a fireplace mate," he stated. There was a loud meow that almost sounded sassy which he didn't appreciate. The last time he checked, he was the person living here and this cat was new to the neighbourhood. "That's what it is! You're really testy y'know. Just like another gremlin I know." That's a point, where is that gremlin? He was sure he'd at least see hide or tail of him by now but he hadn't heard a peep. Come to think of it, Damian was very careful and very good with his pets. It was a little out of character of him to just let a new one roam the halls. He frowned to himself before remembering that Damian was supposed to be with the Titans today. He should probably ask Kori if she let Damian have a cat to somehow win his approval or something. Raven could've got him a kitten. Yet those explanations still left the question of why he'd leave the cat alone in the manor without telling Dick. A shrill meow cut through Dick's thoughts and he looked down at the animal causing his questions. The cat rolled their eyes at him. Weird. "It's a fireplace bud. Why don't we get you something to eat instead? Alfred wouldn't mind sharing," he suggested. He thought this would appease them but they wouldn't let up. Considering this was just a cat and not some stranger, Dick didn't see any harm in opening the entrance. He supposed if he kept an eye on the creature no harm could come from the situation. "Fine but let me pick you up. Don't think I didn't see you trip on the stairs. Those were carpeted and these are stone," he bargained. He knelt down and opened his arms up. The cat glared at him but eventually conceded and climbed into his arms. Dick smiled and stood up, keeping a secure hold on his feline friend before opening up the entrance and carefully walking down the stairs. 

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