Where the fuck is my child?

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It wasn't unusual for children to sleepwalk and when they did sleepwalk, all they did was have a little wander around their rooms or occasionally find their way into their parent's bedrooms. When Dick suddenly popped into Bruce's room at an ungodly hour, muttering about a cat with his eyes half lidded and unfocused, Bruce found that his foster child was a sleepwalker. He kept a note of the child's nighttime adventures and soon figured out that he usually took the same route every time. Considering the sleepwalking only happened a few times a month and the route was the same, Bruce assumed he didn't have to worry too much about it. Oh how sorely mistaken he was. 

Two in the morning was apparently the perfect time for a walk according to Dick's body which was now kicking at the sheets that confined its limbs. Dick was fast asleep as he sat up. His blue eyes were glazed over and looked around the room in a dazed manner. He couldn't actually take in what was in front of him though. He swept his legs over and then planted his feet on the cold floor. Luckily he wouldn't be too cold on his walk around Wayne Manor thanks to his thick pyjamas. He got up and stood in one place for a moment before shuffling over to the door. He fumbled with the handle and after a few tries, he was freed from the bedroom. He waited then continued his journey. The hallway was empty so he could roam freely but he stopped when he got to the long carpet. "Grass," he stated. His tone was soft, almost as though he was reminiscing about a happy memory. He turned his head and walked down the hall, remaining on the carpet. He kept walking until he got to the staircase. He tilted his head to the side and he waved his foot over the first step before committing. He made a happy hum and continued to slowly go down the stairs. He nearly slipped a few times but you wouldn't think it thanks to his relaxed expression. Now at the bottom of the stairs, Dick sits on the third to last step and kicked his legs out as though he were sitting by a pool and thrashing his legs in the water. He stays there for a few moments before shooting up to his feet. He had a sudden sense of urgency about him as he dashed from the bottom of the stairs, down the hall, past the study and into the kitchen. He closed the kitchen door and patted the handle. "Good dog," he praised although his voice was far too robotic to sound right. He turned around and stumbled over to the door leading to the garden, leaning on it before twisting the handle. There was a satisfying click and he pulled the door open, ready to move his adventure to the outside.

It was two in the morning and Bruce was coming in from a long night of patrol. He yawned tiredly as he changed from his Batman suit, showered and then changed into his pyjamas. He decided to forego typing up tonight's run of the mill robberies and beat downs in favour of dragging his tired self to bed. As he got to the bottom of the stairs, he felt a breeze come from down the hall. He didn't think much of it, assuming that Alfred had left a window open a touch. He was too tired to go on the search for it so he continued his way upstairs. As he got to the top of the stairs, he noticed that Dick's door was open and assumed that he was either on his sleepwalking route or had returned. Either way, he decided he could spare some time making sure Dick was sleeping on the floor and at least tucked in. It was getting colder nowadays and he'd rather not deal with a kid who got mild hypothermia sleepwalking. He rubbed his eyes as he walked over to the acrobat's bedroom and peeked inside. The bedsheets were bunched up at the bottom of the empty bed which made him sigh. "Walking again. I don't know how you find the energy," he mumbled. He ran his hand through his hair as he went through the route Dick went on. The acrobat would start in his bedroom (obviously) and then walked down the hall until he reached Bruce's room where he'd sneak inside and walk around. Depending on how tired he was, he'd either sit down and sleep on the floor or make his way back to his room. Bruce was so sure about this route that he didn't feel panicked as he went to fetch the wandering ward. That panic didn't lay low for long when he found that his room was empty. In fact, it was exactly as he'd left it before going on patrol. He really didn't need this so early in the morning. "Dick?" he called out. He hoped for anything, maybe a tiny hum of Dick waking up or a little giggle from seeing a prank go just as planned. He was instead met with silence. Bruce searched his room thoroughly and then went back to the acrobat's room just to make sure that he wasn't in there. His heart leapt to his throat as it began to sink in that he had no idea where his kid was. "Dick!" he called again, this time much louder yet he was still met with silence. 

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