You should've said something

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It's family quiz night someone pray for me I've fooled people into thinking I'm smart but I'm really not

When it came to getting sick, Dick was the worst. He didn't get sick often, either that or people didn't notice when he was sick, so it tended to hit him hard. That and he would never let himself rest so it got worse and worse. Something that would've been fairly minuscule turned into a full-on debilitating sickness that would take a while to recover from. What could he say? He took after his old man in the self-care department. Unlike Batman, Nightwing didn't have a partner in his city who could take on the workload. It was his own. On most days that was the best. On sick days that was the complete worst because he still had to work. Hence why his cold wasn't getting any better. Not only was he working himself to the bone but Bludhaven had graced him with the worst weather of the year. It hailed and snowed and stormed pretty much non stop for the last month which didn't help him. Unbeknownst to him, his cold had turned into something much worse.

That morning, Dick woke up feeling the worst he'd ever felt. He compared the experience to having the worst hangover combined with the side effects of breathing in too much chloroform. His mind felt fuzzy as though it was made of cotton wool. He forced himself to his feet but was forced back down by black dots scurrying around his vision. "You wanna not?" he muttered to himself. Talking to himself wouldn't help but he did it anyway. He glanced over at the time. "Did my alarm not go off?" he whispered. Two hours late? Hm. He got up again and managed to evade the black dots this time. Dick trudged to the bathroom and hacked up his dinner from last night. He wiped his lips with the back of his hand and spat out the vomit tainted spit in his mouth. He shuddered to himself. He hated being sick. Being sick today of all days was going to suck. He had to go on a mission with the younger Young Justice members. Team-building or something. He forgot the excuse he made to get in on the action. He dragged himself away from the toilet and looked at himself in the mirror. Sweating buckets and pale, not a good look but he could make it work. He opened the medicine cabinet and collected as many tablets as he could to help with his situation. The last thing he needed was to call in sick. He'd only just convinced everyone that he wasn't going simply to micromanage the team and he had to prove it today. Dick gulped down the handful of pills he had and stumbled back to the bedroom to get dressed.

A phone shrieked and made him wince. He snatched it up and answered before the terrible ringtone could continue. "Dick speaking?"

"Hey, is everything okay?" M'gann asked. "You're late."

"Sorry yeah, I'm fine. Had a late start. Be over there in five," he answered. He hoped his voice didn't sound too off from throwing his guts up. 

"Are you sure you're fine? You don't sound it and you never sleep through your alarm. If anything you're awake before it even goes off." Why did she have to ask so many questions? He strapped up his boots, ignoring the feeling in his gut, as he debated what he should answer with. If she knew he was sick she'd probably bench him for the next week. If she didn't know then when she did find out she'd kill him for being a bad influence. Saying that though, she didn't need to know the full of it. Then he could say he didn't know it was that bad. "Just got a little cold. Made me sleep in late."

"How bad is it? We can postpone-"

"It's fine. Nothing I haven't had before. See you in five." He hung up before she could ask anything more. Dick swallowed thickly as he did a few checks of his equipment. He hoped his bat training would kick in before he got there.

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