Ninth day of Christmas

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flashbossXD wanted Alfred and Dick content which I'm happy to oblige to this grandad and grandson energy they have

So whilst I was trying to think up an idea for this one I remembered how in primary/high school we did this thing where we'd try to be as green as we could be and that meant like walking to school instead of being driven and from there we got here so hope you enjoy how random memories spark things

Also angst because i think we need it

Dick is 13 or so in this fic - i started walking home by myself when i was 11 so i feel like 13 is a good age for Gotham


Well, this was a predicament. Dick was currently in his bathroom after walking home. He'd insisted on it beginning to walk home by himself because if he could fight villains at night then he could handle himself on the long journey back home. It was for this stupid class challenge to reduce carbon emissions or something like that. All he knew was that he wanted to beat Barbara who'd done it a few years before. What he forgot was he was in Gotham. Whilst walking home, someone jumped him and took the little money he kept on him as well as his phone. Of course, they couldn't just rob him at knifepoint to be somewhat civil. The guy punched him in the face a few times, stole his bag whilst he was on the floor then ran off with it. Now he was sporting a nose that was gushing blood and looked crooked that fitted pretty nicely with the black eye forming. He balled up tissue and shoved them up his nostril to hopefully stop the blood flowing then moved on to the problem of covering up the bruises. Sure, he could wait for Alfred to get home and have him patch him up but that would mean admitting that he couldn't handle himself. Dick was simply caught off guard but he didn't care. He should've stayed vigilant but he hadn't and now he was in this position. The whole thing annoyed him to no end. Some low life got the jump on him when he could take on Joker by himself. The injuries were evidence of his failure and he didn't have it in him to go downstairs and show them off. He'd deal with them by himself whilst he thought up a good excuse for his missing bag, money, phone and new bruises. He could say it was just bullies but he didn't like the sound of that. Mostly because he hadn't actually told anyone about the guys who wanted to beat him up every Tuesday after Math Meets. That would be admitting some kids were getting to him when half the criminals in Gotham couldn't lay a finger on him under the mask of Robin. That was his problem. He couldn't be Robin 24/7. Nobody would touch Robin. None would dare to steal from him. Hell, no one would dare give him a bad look because he could floor them in ten seconds and have them begging for mercy. 

The more he stared at himself in the mirror, the angrier he got. Look at what happened the moment you try to act your age. The moment you try to do what the normal kids did. He thought he was so safe because he was Robin yet here he was. Yes, he was Robin but he couldn't pull half the moves he wanted to as Dick. Even if he could, he wouldn't have back there. He was too surprised. "You're an idiot Dick," he barked at his reflection. "You should've expected something." He touched his nose lightly to get a read on how bad his injury was. He yelped as soon as any pressure was put down. Definitely broken. Either that or his pain tolerance was low. He wouldn't doubt that. He was pathetic. Getting robbed by some randomer on the street. He deserved these injuries for being so foolish. Bruce would agree with him and so would Alfred. They wouldn't let themselves be mugged. No, they'd fight back and make them regret even daring to attempt. Alfred would simply talk himself out of it. He was smart like that. Bruce would do some martial arts or something that would take them down without blowing his cover. What did Dick do? Sit on the ground choking on his blood. Then he ran the rest of the way home, avoiding all the people on the street and hiding his face as much as he could. It was probably already being reported on about how people saw him running around with a black eye and broken nose. Both of which he needed to deal with. Maybe he could try to make them look less serious? He'd have to start with his nose if he wanted to do that. It was the most obvious thing wrong. He'd have to put it back to normal. "You deserve this for being stupid." He put his hands on either side of his nose and sucked in a deep breath. This was going to hurt. A lot.

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now