A New Personal Best

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LoveFovvsRT requested more trans!dick and it is very gratifying to write these 





Dick couldn't really do much when he was Richard Grayson, ward of billionaire Bruce Wayne, against the people who teased him. There was always some reporter or even just a regular member of the public with their phone out, ready to record him losing it as any normal human would if they were constantly tormented but they'd just cut out the bits that made him justified. Even when he was right, he was wrong. It wasn't all bad he supposed. Even though he couldn't do much on his own, he had his friends do the dirty work for him.  But that was for Dick.  As Robin though, you had to have good health insurance and a death wish to repeat what he was told as Dick. In fact, you should just keep your distance if you were going to say things like that and keep it to yourself. You might go missing. Rumour has it that Robin found a loophole in the no-kill rule and now you could never be seen again if you said something he didn't like. That was a complete lie, of course, it just so happened that those types of people suffered injuries that made their criminal lives impossible to do again but Robin wasn't going to be the one to say that. Unfortunately, there are exceptions to every rule and a handful of people who thought risking it would be worth the payoff crawled out of the woodwork soon enough.

Young Justice usually remained outside of Gotham since Batman was rather protective of his city but when the dark knight had to go off-world for quite some time with Justice League stuff, he reluctantly handed over a few missions to the group that would bring them to Gotham. Robin was excited to see more of his friends and maybe show off that despite his young age, he could handle a city with little help. The team were excited to see what was happening in the city that was closed off to every other hero and it was a nice change of pace to see more of the younger. Usually, he was so wrapped up with Gotham work that they didn't spend all that much time together. Their first mission was relatively soon after Batman left and, although Aqualad remained the leader for the mission, Robin would be their guide through it. The mission was simple enough and would involve them doing a sort of pub crawl if you switched out the pubs with warehouses full of cocaine and the excessive drinking with beating the crap out of the people in there. Robin offered a perfect route that would be the most effective and handed over all the information they had. This was set to be a fun night. It got even better when a smart mouth decided to speak up.

It was at their third warehouse when the team were getting into the groove of things and Robin was tying up some people when he heard one of the men mutter something. "You wanna repeat that?" he asked, looming over the man. The team froze at his tone towards the criminal. It sounded just a step away from going apeshit. They glanced to one another then back to the hero standing over the burly man. The criminal had to be in his late fifties maybe older and wore a sour look which wasn't too surprising given his position yet they had a feeling it was somehow deeper than that. Like his problem wasn't with being beaten and captured but with the person doing those things. When he didn't reply, Robin scowled and knelt down so they were eye to eye. "I don't know if you heard me there but I certainly heard you. So I'll ask again. You wanna repeat that?" he stated. The tension could be cut with a knife and it was overwhelming how much contempt was floating around the pair that was directed towards one another. Miss Martian went to take Robin away but Superboy stopped her. He'd heard what the man said. 

"I said you lot disgust me."

"Feeling is mutually buddy. I would let you off with things like that but I know you're not referring to my hero title so how about I just teach you a few things?" Robin stood up and roundhouse kicked the guy in the face. He fell on his side with a grunt and grumbled when a heavy combat boot was pressed against his cheek. "I'm more of a man than you'll ever be. You're a pathetic excuse for one actually." 

"Robin, don't bring yourself down to his level," Aqualad warned him. Admittedly the older worried that he was going to do something that was really going to be hard to cover up but judging by Kid Flash signalling for him to keep quiet, he may have just escalated things. 

"Trust me Kal, I haven't even started going that low. You can move to the next one but I have to assert myself here." Robin smiled and took that as the go-ahead to continue. He brought his foot up then stomped it down, hearing a loud crunching noise followed by a muffled scream. Miss Martian jumped and covered her ears as she turned away from the sight. The action seemed to make the whole team cringe. 

"Robin. Enough," Aqualad stated firmly. 

With a sigh, Robin accepted that he wouldn't be able to do everything he usually did to assert his dominance on the true scum of the world whilst his friends were there. He tutted and gave one swift kick to the ribs for good measure. "Fine, I'll leave him be. For now." He knelt beside the injured criminal and whispered, "This isn't the end of it." He then got up and turned to his friends. "Guess we better be going then." He walked out of the building with the heroes following him and waited till they were outside before saying something. He turned to his leader with a furious scowl and did everything in his power not to blow up at the guy right this second. "For future reference, don't undermine me like that. Ever."

"I believed your motives were valid but your actions were not," Aqualad defended. 

"I get that floating around Atlantis may be a bit different to Gotham so here's the down-low on how things work here. I fight back when guys like that say things I don't like and that's the only way I get to keep the fucked sense of respect these people have for me," he snapped. "Don't you ever try that again or my boot is going to be shoved so far up your-"

"Robin," Kid Flash interrupted. He put his hand on the younger's shoulder and stepped in between him and their leader. "He's on your side." Robin glared at the ground but didn't shake off his friend's hand. He was coming down from wanting to beat the ever-loving shit out of his fishy friend but he wasn't completely trustable to not throw a punch. "You rocked that guy's shit dude. Yeah, not to what you wanted to do it but you showed him. Take a deep breath." Robin reluctantly did what he was told and took a few deep breaths. He eventually relaxed enough for the speedster to take his hands away without the worry of having to pick the smaller up before he decked someone. 

"I understand why you're angry Robin but as your leader, I must do what's best and although this behaviour is acceptable to your mentor, it's not cohesive with my morals. Do you understand?" Aqualad asked. His tone was kind and didn't hold anything that could be considered patronising. His worry that things would be taken too far was a valid one and as much as Robin wished he could've done more back there, he had to admit that he would've gone too far for his friends to handle. This was supposed to be a fun night and crippling someone would probably put a damper on things. 

"I understand. I just don't want those things being repeated," he replied.

"They won't be," Superboy assured him. "We should move on."

"We should."

It ended up being a fun night and it got even better when Robin found out he'd broken that man's cheekbones and part of his jaw. Pretty good considering it had only been one very harsh blow. A new personal best.

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