A birthday to remember

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Dick is a simp for David because it's what he deserves

David was never one for celebrations even when he was small. Maybe because he was forced to party with the other kids on whichever base they were staying at and he knew by his next birthday, they would've moved again. He didn't mind the odd reunion or party nowadays but he wouldn't actively seek an invite or go out of his way to host one. In fact, aside from where work insisted, Dick had been the only motivating factor to going to parties. It was this fact that made David silently dread his birthday. He'd been saying for months and months that he didn't want any sort of party. He'd seen the extravagance of Dick's birthday bashes and he really wasn't down for that. He could only hope that Dick actually listened to his demands for a lowkey day rather than one that would lead to a three-day bender and waking up in Mexico with a new tattoo. Unfortunately, he knew his boyfriend and knew that subtle wasn't exactly his style. He'd fully prepared himself for a day of the agony that was social interaction and just hoped it would be over or at least somehow worth it.

A gentle shake made David stir from his quite peaceful sleep. The first thing he noticed was the sweet smell of pancakes and honey followed by a small cackle he knew was his boyfriend's which was presumably in response to his sleepy groan. "C'mon sleepyhead, I've already let you sleep in an extra hour," the acrobat's voice called. He heard a tray being set down before a hand ran through his ginger locks, attempting to coax him to wake up. He'd very happily go back to sleep if it wasn't for his stomach growling. He opened his eyes and slowly sat up, at which point the tray was lifted back up so he could wiggle himself into a comfy position, and he let out a yawn though he didn't really feel tired. Dick pressed a kiss against his cheek and set the tray back down in his lap. There sat a plate of stacked fluffy pancakes with honey and blueberries on top with a cup of coffee on the side. There was a little box on the tray too that was tied with blue ribbon. 

"You didn't have to do this," David assured him. 

"Hush it. I don't want any of that today. Everything is about you and what you'd like."  The ginger smiled as he received another kiss on the cheek. He tucked in as Dick did something on his phone. He couldn't tell what though since the screen was facing away from him. He wondered what he was up to. Maybe a surprise party? He hoped there weren't a lot of people there. More than ten was going to be hell. "I just need to go sort something out but when I come back you can open your first gift. I wanna see if you like it." David nodded and watched the acrobat rush out of the room. Definitely a surprise party. There was probably some sort of issue with the catering or the venue. If he was lucky then the issue would be so catastrophic that they wouldn't have the party. He finished up his pancakes and sipped away at his coffee as he waited. A nice moment of calm would do him good. It felt like every five minutes there was some drama or other. It was either Bruce saying something, some new gang thinking they were hot shit or there was drama within the Batfamily that for some reason always sucked them in. He guessed that's why he didn't want to give up being a hitman despite how bad it felt to be so far from his lover. Killing a guy was just what he needed to detox from the drama. Maybe he should bring Dick along next time. That would be nice and God knows the guy needed it. Eventually, the acrobat returned with a bright smile. "Sorry about that love."

"It's fine. What was the problem?" he asked. 

"First off, it wasn't a problem. Second off, now why would I tell you when that would ruin the fun?" David hummed. He didn't think that would work but it was worth a shot. "Anyway, how about you open your present?" The ginger put down his coffee mug and picked up the box. It was fairly light and the box looked like it was for jewellery. He wasn't much of a jewellery man. He opened the box, revealing a small circular piece of metal that seemed to have a soft glow to it. It looked like the device he used to give him a completely new body to anyone who looked at him but a lot newer. The piece he stole was at least a good five years old by this point. 

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