We're so hooking up when I'm sober

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outsidersandBTS4life wants drunk dumbass in love


If there was one thing Roy and Jason shared it was their hatred of seeing Dick upset. He'd been upset for a while because his recent relationship went to shit. He and his girlfriend had been at a club when one of her other boyfriends came up to the pair. There was a loud argument, filmed by everyone who had a phone, and Dick had to walk away. They broke up and everyone and their nan knew about it. Due to this, Dick had been confined to his apartment and refused to go out until it all blew over. It was clearly bothering him that someone had betrayed his trust and they couldn't blame him for feeling bad about it. What they could do was stop him from dwelling on the subject. Even as Nightwing, which was usually the thing to cheer him up, Dick had been lacklustre. So one day they said fuck it and decided they were getting the hottest guy in Bludhaven back on the streets. Sure he was only newly single and not ready to mingle but he could do with the compliments of people who were certainly ready to mingle with him especially.

Dick was being depressed on the couch, watching some trashy reality TV show, when he heard his window slide open and boots hit the floor. Two sets of boots as well. He immediately knew who the boots belonged to and sighed. "What do you two want?" he asked, not looking away from the TV. He didn't even know why he was so invested in the show considering he was watching it upside down so he couldn't really tell what was going on. "We're getting you out of your pit of despair," Jason stated. He grabbed the acrobat's feet and pulled, successfully knocking over the couch so Dick was sat upright.

"I'm not in the mood."

"Not an option," Roy told him. He held out his hand which the other reluctantly took and pulled him to his feet. "We're taking you to a club and you're gonna drink until you can't stand."

"I have Nightwing stuff," Dick protested.

"Nightwing is taking a night off," Jason insisted. "C'mon I know you've got some stuff you can wear and I know for a fact you can last just as long as Roy. Maybe not as long as me but you'll last long enough."

"Guys," he began defeated. 

"Dickie, you need a night out. Let yourself be in your 20s. Get drunk and hook up with whoever gave you the best bedroom eyes," Roy replied, making his other half gag at the notion of Dick getting it on. He patted the younger on the back and pushed him towards his bedroom. "Now get dressed and help us get into the good clubs."

"Fine. But you're paying for the first few rounds."

Dick sighed to himself glumly as he took a sip of his first drink. He could tell Roy and Jason were worried about him otherwise they would've left him alone in the booth. He was sat between the pair, resting his head in one hand as he looked out to the dancefloor longingly. Everyone was having such a good time, except for him. He'd met his girlfriend in a club. Not this one but it had been close enough. All clubs looked the same. She'd been dancing and a guy had tried to slip something in her drink. Dick went between the two and explained what happened so she said she needed to repay him. They met up for a dinner another night and dated ever since. She'd seemed so good-natured. Then again, he should've known better than to trust things here. No one is who they say they are in Bludhaven. Him included. "You've got to stop thinking about her man," Roy told him. He could tell the woman was lingering in his thoughts and it was heartbreaking. Dick was such a good guy but he had the worst luck. Girlfriends never lasted that long. If the archer was being truthful, he would've said the reason was that Dick never wanted to be with them in the first place. No matter how much he said he did want to be with the girls who showed him interest, Roy could tell there was something he wasn't speaking about. Something that he kept in the shadows but was the eventual ender of relationships getting that far. Roy had always wondered what it was but he never thought to ask. He didn't think even Dick knew. "How can I? She was cheating on me the entire time I was with her. Maybe I'm just not good enough for this stuff," he proposed. "I should just focus on the job at this point."

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