It doesn't matter anymore

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fandomtrash74 wanted some slade angst with YJ

So in this universe TT does exist and this would be set twoish years after the situation - i worked out that this time frame would fit the YJ timeline not seamlessly but it was the best I could do


Slade held a handful of Nightwing's hair and pulled his head up so he could place the cool metal of his knife against his throat. Robin stopped and held up his hands. He gave the nod for the group to copy him. They held their hands up and Slade smirked. 

"You taught the kids well. It's a shame you didn't take on my teaching also," he stated. Nightwing grimaced in response and tried to struggle but the knife was pressed against his throat, drawing blood. "Now now settle down. You're making me think you don't want them to know of our time together."

"You make it sound like it was a holiday," he spat.

"Slade let him go," Robin ordered. 

"Protective of big brother are we? I bet Batman would flip if I took him for another training session." None of them missed the brief look of terror on Nightwing's face. He quickly wiped it off his face and replaced it with an uneasy smirk.

"Didn't fare well for you last time," he commented. His hands moved a little but they couldn't tell what he was doing or if it was an attempt to do anything at all. He could just be trying to calm his nerves but they liked to think he was preparing himself to do something. 

"What's he talking about?" Wonder Girl asked.

"Beast Boy will remember, won't you?" Slade stated. Eyes fell on the green hero who had since paled and gritted his teeth. He didn't answer but they knew if he had it wasn't good. "That brand I did, is that still there? It better had be, I paid good money for that to be made just for you."

"I suppose I should feel flattered," Nightwing mumbled. He was trying to figure out a way out of this mess but he couldn't concentrate if he was going to keep bringing up bad memories. He was wasting time squashing them down. He was wasting energy trying to keep his expression unbothered. Slade tugged on him as they walked back towards the edge. "You've got nowhere to go," he commented. 

"It would seem like that wouldn't it?" Slade replied. He didn't like how unbothered he sounded. He wasn't worried in the least, it wasn't just an act. That meant he had a plan. Perhaps he was stalling or maybe he was already working his way through the plan. The knife dug a little deeper into Nightwing's skin, making him pause. 

"Don't hurt him!" Impulse demanded. 

"Or what? You're fast but you're not fast enough to stop me from slicing his neck open," Slade replied matter of factly. 

"He's right," Blue Beetle confirmed. "It's not worth the risk." In the distance, they could hear a helicopter. 

"Let's make a deal. I get on that helicopter and my old apprentice lives till we see each other again," he offered. Nightwing squinted his eyes at him. He didn't trust this at all but then again he didn't trust a lot of things. 

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now