I try not to remember

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Fightsong44 wanted this and I'm feeling benevolent so you're welcome

Happy Halloween you fucks





Scars were a part of being a hero. You were inevitably going to get them either from simply training or from a lovely little torture session. Each scar told a story. It could be a funny or sad one, but there was always a story. Scars were hardly shown in the media and as much as the family of vigilante's known as the batfam wanted to deny it, that made them feel a little weird about their scars. Imperfections were so frowned upon out of the cowl that often they felt the most human when they were counting how many scattered their bodies in the mirror. Dick had long since been a member of the pro scar club in the hero community, being an avid member since the bold age of ten, and as a member, he wasn't going to allow the media to make his family feel bad. Hence scar storytime. It made it normal to have scars from working hard to protect both the city and their loved ones. Only, this later backfired.

Sunday was designated scar storytime due to most of the family eventually showing up at the weekend. They always had it before patrol so they could go out in a good mood and they were getting changed anyway so it was just easier to show people. Steph had finished showing the fading scar on her calve she got from kicking a ninja in the face only to have his sword cut her leg up when it was Dick's turn. At the time, he'd been turned away to mess as he messed with the voltage settings on his escrima sticks and he was shirtless. This put the faint S burn scar he had on the back of his neck on show. "Hey Dick, can I choose yours?" Steph asked innocently. She'd never seen the S before and by the looks of her fellow family members who'd noticed it, they were just as confused by it. It was faint so it definitely wasn't new. The placement was about where the top of a tank top would fall and his suit would definitely cover it up along with any clothes in his closet. 

"Sure! Did you have one in mind?" he replied sweetly.

"Yeah, the S one. Back of your neck. Looks old," she answered. In one sentence, she had the older frozen. They watched as his muscles tensed up and if they weren't mistaken, he shivered ye there was no discernable draft to cause it. He didn't turn around though which was weird. Usually, he'd look at them when he spoke. Then again, he was messing with the voltage and that required his attention. Even so, that didn't feel like a good explanation. His reaction was much too worrying for that. Damian, who everyone suspected had memorised every tell Dick gave when something was up, shuffled a little closer and tried to peak past the older's black bangs to get an idea if he was okay. He already knew of course but he liked the confirmation. He couldn't really see past the hair but he could see the tiny tremble of his brother's hands. 

"Grayson?" he called quietly. 

"Hm?" Dick hummed, snapping his head towards him. 

"Brown asked you a question."

"Oh, right yea the uh the S." He turned around, seemingly realising he was acting weirdly and put on a strained smile. "It's from that one time I was Slade's apprentice. S is uh yknow...for Slade. It was just branded on me but uh yeah." There was a beat of silence as they stared at him and he stared straight through them.

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