Fourth day of Christmas

760 38 26

Alfred_Is_A_Badass wanted some Jay/Roy and I kinda went off


Jason wasn't mad, he was well and truly pissed. He'd found his boyfriend's stash. No not a stash of secret money nor a stash of porn magazines. No, what he found was a stash of weed and Xanax that he definitely hadn't been prescribed. Granted, Jason had his own opinions on weed. He knew that people found some medicinal benefits from it. But those people weren't previous addicts to hardcore drugs as Roy had been and those people weren't taking them in combination with another downer. At the end of the day, drugs were drugs and all this was a big no-no to an ex-drug addict. Jason shivered at the thought of things going back to that again, he didn't like to think about it. So he was pissed. Roy was smart so he knew this was a possibility if he got back onto the drugs scene. He was also smart enough to know that Jason would eventually find it. It was in his place too. The fucker really thought he could bring that into his home. Obviously, he wasn't going to let that happen without him bringing it up, fighting about it and then leaving dramatically because that's how all good couples worked through issues.

Right now, Jason was texting Dick. He was the only one he could think to talk to about this. He was open-minded but also reasonable. He was probably the only one that could stop him from murdering the ginger idiot. He planned to go over there for the night. Sure he absolutely refused to be part of the shitshow that was the Wayne "family" but they came in handy sometimes. Especially when Dick knew Roy since they were kids. That and he was protective so he could probably do Roy some damage if asked to. 

Dickhead: CCTV spotted him heading your way 

Dickhead: He looks high so good luck talking to him

Dickhead: please don't kill him or I'll never hear the end of it.

Oh, that was going to be very hard but Jason was going to use the rest of the year's worth of patience. He couldn't believe how angry he was. He hadn't been this mad since...well he was almost always this mad but still! Somehow he'd broken through his Richter scale of anger and found a whole new level. He didn't bother texting the acrobat back. He'd probably break his phone. He couldn't sit still, the frustration building. He was on pins just waiting to sink his teeth into the fuckwit he called a lover.

A mere five minutes later he heard the sound of the key entering the lock. Well, more accurately he heard the metal of the key clank against the lock a few times before actually going in. This was followed by the sound of dazed giggling before there was a click and the door was open. Roy practically fell inside the apartment, his grip on the handle only just tight enough for him to keep himself from the floor. He turned back to get his key and then shut the door. He leaned against the wood and let himself slide his way down to the floor. "Where've you been?" Jason snarled. He got up off the couch when he didn't hear a reply. He stalked over to the obviously high man and stooped down, clutching his collar and dragging him up to his feet. "Where have you been?" he asked again. 

"Out Jayyy. What's up your ass?" the archer responded, clearly not understanding what was going on. He's just been caught and he was none the wiser. It was a miracle he got here without walking into traffic or getting thrill-killed. 

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now