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I wanted to do a version of another story but with Batman 2022 Bruce finding a Dick Grayson from that universe in the bathroom instead of Alfred because it's my life and if DC can recycle the same Batman origin story then I can recycle my own work 





"Well, that can't be good," Dick mumbled to himself. He'd been facing the mirror in his bathroom for the last half an hour just staring at his image the entire time. Not in a narcissistic way. In a "how the fuck am I going to hide this" way. He'd been walking home from school, something Alfred always told him he shouldn't do given his status as Bruce Wayne's ward but said butler was currently in England for a funeral, something he said he attended more of the older he got. That left himself and Bruce alone for the best of a week, and he'd been walking home for most of it without any problems. Key phrasing being so far. He'd been walking home when he felt someone stalking behind him. He didn't have a sixth sense but he had a general awareness about himself after becoming Robin and the person behind him was doing a bad job of sneaking. He wasn't particularly worried about the situation and continued to walk without showing any signs he knew he was being tailed. He'd taken out his phone, ready to text his guardian if things went wrong as he went through an alley. 

It was in that alley that he heard the footsteps get closer and he whipped around ready to face his potential kidnapper only to realize it was someone from school. Fuck. Bruce told him that he should only use his training in times of emergencies and that they needed to maintain public personas that wouldn't hint to them being vigilantes. For Bruce, that meant being a socially inept shut-in who never quite shed his emo phase but for good reason. For Dick, that meant being a weakling acrobat that was smart but nowhere near as smart as Robin needed to be to survive. Now, he knew for a fact this person from school meant bad news. He wasn't too sure of their whole name, only knowing them as Thatch since that's what everyone called him. Thatch was a bulky football player who could probably get a scholarship if he wasn't a trust fund kid and was a year above Dick at school. He was no Joker henchman but he was muscley enough that a punch would hurt like hell. "Can I help you?" Dick asked. He folded his arms across his chest and did his best to look confident despite his small stature. 

"Yeah. You're going to be doing my homework," Thatch stated. Oh. He narrowed his eyes at the teen, wondering if this was just his weird way of asking for help or if there was going to be more to the interaction. 

"I don't do tutoring," he answered, beginning to take a few steps back. 

"I'm not asking for that. I'm asking for you to do my homework," Thatch responded. He started advancing towards Dick who began to make his exit from the alley. That was until the older grabbed his backpack and pulled harshly, dragging him back into the secluded area. He was thrown to the ground and a foot was pressed on his chest. It took all his willpower not to find a way to flip this guy but he had to remind himself that he wasn't in his suit. He was Dick Grayson. He was supposed to be helpless. "I'm going to give you a taster of what will happen if you don't do my homework. If you still say no then you'll be meeting your parents really soon."

Long story short, Dick now had dried blood on his face thanks to a busted lip and a nose bleed that luckily wasn't from a broken nose, just the trauma from being hit. His left eye was swollen and bruised to the point where no make-up could soften just how bad it looked nor would any prying open grant him the ability to see out of it. All in all, he looked a mess yet he wasn't worried by the lesson he'd been taught today. He'd been taught said lesson enough times by people who were actually going to go through with beating him to death and the take away of do as you're told/threatened never stuck. Maybe they should teach it a different way. Either way, no small-time bully was going to have him shaking in his overly expensive boots that Bruce insisted on buying him. It was just an inconvenience that he'd figure a way out of when he could be bothered. It's not like any of the teachers would have his back given the rather large group of people who hated his guts sitting on the school board. Perhaps Robin could pay him a visit when Batman turned his back. 

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