Who needs a mum when you have a big sister?

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It happened again so sorry if this was your request idk who it belongs to but if you comment I'll add you

To say the batfamily and galas don't mix was an understatement. Not one of them truly enjoyed the events and few could find joy in spending their valuable time with the upper-class elites of Gotham. One member who'd hated them since childhood was none other than Dixie Grayson, an acrobat turned vigilante at the tender age of nine now in her late twenties and still cartwheeling around villains like no tomorrow. She'd spent her early years being tormented for not fitting into their views of what a model girl should be only to be badgered by boys of the rich with dwindling finances in an attempt to maintain a rich lifestyle and get their hands on the Wayne fortune. She'd thought that once Bruce bulked up the family with boys that attempts would fly their way but they were still in the phase where everyone found them a nuisance or infantilised them. Hell, one was legally dead so who knows how that affected his inheritance. All she knew was that she was the centre of the hollow affection despite having a very public relationship with Barbara Gordon. That wasn't all she had to stress about. With Bruce schmoozing for half the evening, she was left helping Alfred dress the boys, throw them in the car and make sure they don't catch a murder charge. Usually, she brought Barbara along to fight off guys while she confiscated yet another knife from Damian but her ginger Paramore was busy that night. 

"I'm so sorry," Barbara apologized for the tenth time that day. Dixie tutted before applying her lipstick, keeping a careful eye on what her brothers were doing through the mirror she was looking into. Behind her, Tim and Damian were trending the thin line between roughhousing and beating one another up whilst Jason chanted with a grin. She ignored them for the most part but she knew how quick it could turn with Jason hyping them up and the last thing they needed was Alfred stitching up a head wound before an event. She smacked her lips and capped her lipstick, turning to the three to give them a warning glare. 

"I know you're sorry but don't worry about it. It's fine. I'm a big girl, I can handle them."

"Can you put the boys on? For my peace of mind at least?" Dixie sighed but snapped her fingers to get their attention all the same. 

"Fine but you can't convince Tim to frame them for tax fraud. One of these days he's going to get caught and I'm never going to be in the mood to deal with B regarding it," she replied. The phone was swiftly passed to Damian who she trusted the most not to break it and she went on the hunt for a certain billionaire to check that she definitely had to be there. 

"Babs?" Tim questioned as the youngest of the brothers put her on speaker. 

"Hey losers, I need you to keep an eye on Dixie tonight. I get your whole thing is chaos at these parties but she's stressed enough as it is without guys trying to get with her," Barbara explained. 

"Is your assumption that Grayson will cheat?" Damian asked venomously. Such a suggestion was heresy. Especially the suggestion that would be with such unsuitable suitors. There was a light laugh on the other end.

"Nope, I trust her. The guys there just piss her off though. Bruce never seems to do jack shit about it and she's always looking after you guys so I thought you could repay the favour. They're awful to her sometimes and you know how she gets." Yeah, they did. Dixie's mind was her own worst enemy, filled with thoughts of inadequacy and a need to be liked. They supposed it came from her time in the spotlight followed by years of getting slammed by the press for something as small as eating ice cream. 

"We've got her Babs," Jason assured her. "Doubt she'll need it though. She ripped my head off when she saw my outfit."

"How would you feel being crept on by guys and knowing you can't punch them in the face without it somehow being spun to put you in the wrong? She's gonna be on edge about everything."

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now