I'm sick of raising your kids asshat!

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de-aged batfam because I wanna try my hand at it 

I did some research before this so it's all medically possible - historical stuff can eat my ass but I'll be damned if something completely medically impossible happens


Dick: 13

Jason: 11

Tim: 9

Damian: 10 months

These past few months were hell and there was no sign of it ending any time soon. Lately, Dick was having to be the Dad of the family despite only just turning thirteen. You may be asking what caused this change. Well, he didn't really know. All he knew was that Bruce was engrossed in his work. More so than usual. Case after case and business meeting after business meeting, his mentor and guardian were being pulled away from the family. Dick noticed that Alfred was struggling so he took on the odd chore. Things that Alfred couldn't fit in when he was busy with the younger brothers. He cleaned, did the washing up and often used his natural love of heights to clean places the butler would never reach. That was the beginning of it. He next noticed that Alfred was getting tired. Tired. Really tired. So he offered to take on the task of giving Damian his early morning bottle. It was around three am so he'd be home from patrol in time. Alfred took his offer gratefully and in return would let the boy have whatever he needed to stay awake though he still mentioned how bad it was for his health. Now, these two jobs didn't bother Dick too much. He could juggle patrol, chores and Damian's three am feeds. But then he took on more as Bruce continued to withdraw and Alfred became overwhelmed. Along with those two jobs he accepted, he soon found himself being the one who got his brothers ready for bed. He was the one reading stories to Damian. He was the one making sure Jason wasn't fighting with kids at school and was the one to punish him when he did. He was the one checking in on how his brothers were doing and if they needed any help with homework. Eventually, he was doing everything Bruce was supposed to do and he picked up on a few things Alfred struggled with here and there.

With all these new responsibilities, Dick found himself going downhill. He'd told his teachers that due to this being a busy time for Wayne industries and his butler being quite old that he'd had to take on more work and therefore his grades could slip. Whilst some were understanding and offered to give him extra materials to help him catch up, others simply pointed to his brothers who had maintained their grades and told him to stop looking for sympathy. He hadn't meant it to look like attention-seeking but the damage was done. Those teachers showed no leniency when homework was late or poorly done. The stress of slowly going from the top of his class to the bottom got to him and was only fed with the stress of being the father to kids who were only a few years younger than him. He suspected the stress was what was causing his nightmares to be so bad. He tried to mention it to someone but they were far too busy whenever he tried to so he stopped trying at all. Dick had told himself he had to be his Dad in this matter and look after himself. Jason noticed him get worse when they were training together. "You okay there Goldie?" he asked. His brother was sweating buckets, which was odd because they hadn't started anything intense yet, and looked like he could pass out at any given moment.

"'M fine Jay," he mumbled, clearly not fine. He swallowed thickly and raised his fists into a fighting stance. "Now let's get on. So what you're gonna do is...is." Jason watched him worriedly and noticed his knees begin to wobble. He sighed and walked over to him, hooking an arm around the other. "Jay I'm fine."

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