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David getting sick that's it. That's the plot.


Dick woke up to the horrid sound of someone retching in the bathroom. He scrunched his face up and turned to his lover's side but found his lover wasn't there. His eyes snapped open as he slowly connected the dots in his sleepy haze. He jumped out of bed and raced to the bathroom only to be met with the sight of his boyfriend, now very pale and very sweaty, laying on the floor with his face squished against the cold tiles. "David, can you hear me?" Dick asked, kneeling beside the ginger. He tentatively put the back of his hand against David's forehead and frowned. He was too warm for his liking. 

"Dick?" David whined. 

"I'm here. Though it seems you've started the party without me," he joked. He could smell the vomit in the toilet which, if he hadn't seen and done the things he'd seen and done, would've churned his stomach. David hummed disinterested. "Let's get you to bed. It'll be much comfier than the floor," he suggested. There was a grumble at that. "I'll give you a bucket and get you something to cool you down but laying on the floor won't do much good." 

"Hurts," David replied. His arms were wrapped tightly around his stomach as though that would help. It never did but he did it anyway. 

"You can either come with me willingly or I'll carry you. The choice is yours." When he didn't get a reply, Dick decided he'd chosen the latter. He hooked his arms under his sick bodyguard and lifted him up. David weighed about as much as he benched on a good day so he would be lying if he didn't struggle a tiny bit. Usually, there was some sort of pre-workout or build-up but lifting your nearly 200 pounds of pure muscle bodyguard boyfriend first thing in the morning left him quite unprepared to deal with the weight. 

Luckily, he made it back to the bed without dropping David. He kept him on top of the covers for now in hopes of cooling him down then went back to the bathroom to get a flannel. He ran it under the cold tap for a few moments before folding it and putting it on the ginger's forehead. "Better?" he asked. David nodded, his eyes still squeezed closed. "I'll get you a bucket then I'll go get Jenny to look you over, hm?" There wasn't a reply so he just went about his plan. There was a bucket in the bathroom from a failed prank a few days ago - he tried to do the bucket on the door prank but David noticed and made him walk through first, laughing at him being drenched. He flushed the toilet on his way back too. The colour of the vomit didn't look too good but he tried to stay positive. This was probably just a bug. It'd been going around some of the members and it was that time of year when people get sick. "I'm putting it on the table okay? If you're gonna chuck up, try to keep it in the bucket. I'll go get Jenny-"

"No," David whined. His hand shot out and grabbed the other's arm. "Stay." That Dick stared at him for a second before snapping out of his pleasant surprise. He cackled softly and grabbed the radio from his pants the day before. If David wanted him to stay then he sure as hell wasn't going to leave. 

"Alright, if you insist." He fiddled with the settings, noticing they were slightly off from when he discarded his pants. Granted he could've taken more care but he was in a hurry so to speak. "I need Jenny to come to my bedroom. Over."

"I'm patching up Carl, is it urgent? Over."

"Urgent for me so it's urgent for you. Over."

"I can be over in ten? Over."

"Sounds good. Over." He set his radio down and sat on the edge of the bed, his hand resting on David's thigh to assure him he wasn't leaving. "Jenny will be here soon. Just to make sure this isn't serious." 

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