Cry time pt 3

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dunno_know requested a part three to this two-parter from my second book 

here is a link for pt 1

and for pt 2

funeral time bois


When Dick died, Bruce was quick to make sure that everything he wanted to happen following his death was what he got no matter about the cost was. He got a hold of the will that Dick made and gulped thickly as he went through what was being given to others. Most of what was on there were trinkets he'd kept and wanted to give back to his fellow heroes. Things like a printed photo of himself and Artemis on her first day at his school and a keychain from the first time he'd ever gone to an arcade. His heart twisted when he saw that Wally's name had been redacted. It made him ask how recently this will was made. Did he make it before the mission where he died? Did he know that he'd die that day before there was even a scratch on him? Then there were two discs. One was labelled Dick Grayson and the other was labelled Nightwing. Presumably, one was for his civilian friends who never knew his identity and the other was for his hero friends who didn't know his real name. Bruce handed them to the right groups. He didn't cry when he went through it until it got to his name. The giant penny he'd gifted Dick when he moved out. He asked for it to be handed down and made a joke about how funny it would be on a moving day to explain why there was a giant penny. That was Dick. Playing games even when he was gone.  

The funeral was carefully planned. Every detail was right and there was no room for mistakes. Everything was exactly as Dick had wanted it. It broke Bruce's heart not to have something big and grand to match the energy of his eldest but that's not what the man wanted. Dick wanted a small get-together of those close to him. He also requested there be colours everywhere because he "wasn't an emo like Bruce" as he put it. The flowers had pops of reds and blues, the dress code required a blue element in keeping with the Nightwing suit and the service pamphlets were printed in a smart-looking blue. The service itself was short and sweet. Well, bitter to be more accurate. They tried to maintain the spirit of this funeral as a celebration of Dick's life rather than the mourning of his death but that was impossible. Especially when the coffin was being laid in the ground. It felt finalised. They couldn't be in denial at the loss any longer. He was in that coffin. He was buried. There wasn't going to be a syke moment nor would there be any rising from the dead. He was gone. Bruce made sure he was buried beside his parents whose graves had been well-kept and would continue to be well-kept. It had previously been Dick who cleaned and repaired the gravestones but now that responsibility fell into Bruce's lap. 

Tears glossed over everyone's eyes, some allowing them to spill over whilst others were determined to stay strong. Some tried to keep the mood light. Well as light as a funeral could be. Clark was the main pusher for this mood and focused on keeping the younger heroes from delving too deep into their developing guilt. He'd regale them with stories of Dick being a mischievous child and how he loved causing just the right amount of trouble. He loved telling them all the specific rules they had to put in place because of him. Most humoured him by listening but Tim wasn't one for stories. Another Robin was dead and this time, he couldn't help but feel that it was his fault. If he'd just forgiven him sooner, talked to him sooner, made him know that he didn't have to be on his deathbed for them to talk. Maybe if he had done that, Dick would be alive now. As the crowd around the grave plot dissolved, two figures remained. Tim and Bruce. 

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