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Alternative title: Bruce being a disaster dad and Dick being a disaster son featuring the people who have to deal with them


Dick couldn't wait for tomorrow and his excitement made up for the horrible patrol he'd just had. There'd been so many people out tonight and he felt so tired after going from one fight straight into another. It had to be one of the roughest nights he had this year but he couldn't care less. He was meeting Wally and Roy tomorrow for their monthly play date and he wasn't going to let anything stand in his way of seeing the two gingers. They were practically brothers at this point and he hardly got to see them with all the hero work he did. "Master Dick, can I trust you to get yourself ready for bed whilst I work on Master Bruce?" Alfred asked as he stitched some of the bigger cuts together. The boy nodded happily and skipped upstairs. "You must be getting old sir. There's not a scratch on that boy."

"There's not a scratch because he's far too slippery to catch," Bruce replied. "Do check on him in the morning won't you? Just in case there is something."

"You let your paranoia get the best of you, sir." The conversation phased out as Dick got to the top of the stairs and entered the Manor. As he started walking to his room, he felt his side beginning to get sore. It wasn't like a stitch but it felt like something he should probably take note of. It got worse the closer he got to his room so once he closed the door, he practically ripped off his vest to see what was going on. 

Torn skin revealed a bit too much of his inside tissues and that wasn't even mentioning the blood trickling from it. Dick's eyes went wide and he rushed to his bathroom where he could get a better look in the mirror plus tiles were much easier to clean the blood off than carpet. He hopped up onto the counter and knelt on it so he could get a good look. It didn't look like a stab more like he just caught the tip of a knife. He probably should've noticed it sooner but Bruce always talked about something called adrenaline that made you not notice these things. Honestly, Dick didn't really listen when he droned on about the technical stuff but maybe he should next time because this was getting rather painful. Then a thought hit him like a tonne of bricks. The play date was tomorrow. He wouldn't be allowed to go if he was hurt. He bit his lip. The right thing to do was go tell Alfred there was something wrong and get patched up but then that meant no Roy or Wally. There was the wrong thing to do which would be to patch himself up and then be able to go but then something could go wrong. He'd seen Alfred do it enough times so surely he'd be able to fix himself up. Yeah, he'd do that. He turned and rooted through his drawers to find the first aid kit. There was one in nearly every room in the house because Bruce was so paranoid after the chandelier incident. Luckily that paranoia came in handy. He opened the kit and quickly found the antiseptic wipe. Now he knew he should use them but he was already being bad so why not just continue? He moved them out the way and got to the cotton balls and bandages. He guessed he'd need a big plaster too but he didn't have any. What he did have were small plasters that had cool designs on them to hold the cotton balls in place. With some finessing it would work. He paused for a moment. Maybe he should take his shower first and then start this process. Since he wasn't cleaning it with the wipes he supposed he should at least clean it in the shower. He huffed and hopped down from the counter. He then got into the shower and did his best to ignore the amount of red going down the drain. Fortunately, none of the towels Alfred provided were white so he didn't have to worry about staining those. Dick didn't know how to work the washing machine just yet and he was specifically told not to go near the stuff you poured in with the clothes. He'd wait till Alfred said he could. Once he got cleaned up and dried off, he got to work. First, he pressed the cotton balls onto and into the cut (the second part being on accident) then stuck them there with a mix of Wonder Woman and Flash plasters. Next, he stuck down one end of the white bandage to his skin and then began wrapping it around his torso over and over. He tried to keep it at the quality Alfred did it but found his were too loose. He shrugged off any problems there were with that and finished up wrapping the bandages. With that, he went to bed and got to sleep.

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