I'll miss saving the world with you pt 3

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so i was supposed to post this before peacing out but i guess i forgot so here it is now





Fevers were always hard on Dick. His brain was immediately fried like an egg in the Arizona heat and his emotions were all over the place as his body processed the infection coursing through him. Most of the time, he was funny thanks to how loopy the heat, as well as the medicine, made him but they weren't too sure what to expect this time given the circumstances. It wouldn't be their good old Dick Grayson who had a casual acceptance of his traumas and wasn't any more stressed than someone who did backflips of buildings usually was. It would be Dick Grayson who was pushing himself to do right by his family even if it killed him in the process and his grieving process on pause for the betterment of others. The stress from that combined with his fevered mind could lead to something else entirely. They couldn't wait for the fever to break despite it only just making itself known now and they knew he'd be a pain in the ass after. Somehow wrangling in a vigilante hell-bent on helping was better than seeing him whimper and worry over the state of the family without him to guide them. 

They'd left him to his own devices whilst they held the family meeting deciding their plan of attack and were about to check up on him when the phone rang. "Master Jason, fetch Dr Leslie to make a house call. I want a second opinion on the cut." Jason felt his heart leap to his throat at that but didn't say anything, choosing to hop into action and make his way to the car. "I will handle the phone whilst one of you sits with Master Dick whilst I'm busy." With a flurry of nods as a silent promise to do as they were told, Alfred went to get it and immediately frowned once he made his greeting. 

"Finally! I've been trying to get ahold of one of you all day," Barbara huffed on the other side. He opened his mouth to tell her this wasn't a good time but she continued with her furious rant. "I need Dick to send that work back ASAP. He said he'd get it done by midday but I need it back earlier and he promised me that he'd be able to do that if needed but here I am running around like a chicken without a head because he isn't answering his phone. Did Tim break it for parts or was it Cass this time?" He waited patiently until she gave him the pause to interrupt.

"Misstress Barbara, Master Dick is terribly sick," he stated in a firm tone to make sure she heard him correctly. 

"What?" she asked softly, the bite she previously had now subdued. He didn't blame her for being on edge. They were all on edge at this point, still finding growing pains in a world without Bruce Wayne, and Dick getting sick wasn't going to help in that but here they were. 

"He was injured. Nothing intense had it been seen to but you see, it wasn't. We believe he sustained it on Wednesday and it has since grown infected. Antibiotics and fever reducers shall be his best friends during this time." He heard her curse under her breath and bite at her nails. Had he not dealt with Bruce for the last how many years, he would've been in the same state. Now he was able to manage the anxiety that came with events like this. Not that it was a good thing.

"What do you mean an injury wasn't seen to? He promised me everyone was still getting checked for them after patrol," she asked worriedly.

"He was checking everyone. I believe he became so overwhelmed with work and everyone else that he forgot his duties to himself." She hummed softly and he heard her sigh to herself. "I'll have Master Tim finish the work for you but I'm afraid it won't be done very soon."

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