I can't believe you've done this

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Nightwingwriter gave me the idea - when don't they give me an idea? - so check out their stuff plz

Also they're a year younger than they are in YJ





Roy and Dick were like brothers. They got on at a level past simple friendship and they acted as any brother would. Unfortunately, they acted a little too much like brothers. By that I mean they got on each other's nerves often and maybe they took their reactions to the annoyance a little too far. Whilst Dick used his adorableness for evil when Roy annoyed him, Roy was a rather literal when he wanted to get rid of a problem. Yet they were still trusted to be alone together because, as brothers mostly do, they knew when to stop. But you don't know when to stop if you don't know everything about a person.  

The pair had been left together for most of the afternoon. Originally, Dinah was supposed to stay with them but she'd been dragged into a mission last minute. That was the first mistake of the day. You see, Roy wasn't in the most patient of moods. He'd been barred from patrol for the last two days because he didn't listen to Oliver and kind of blew up a building. Okay, there was no kind of about it but he didn't think he deserved two whole days grounded from patrol. Not only that but now he had to look after Dick who, unlike himself, was in a hyper mood. Since he had to go on a mission, Bruce didn't have him train that morning so he hadn't gotten rid of all his energy.  That meant Dinah had just left a pissed off Roy with a hyper Dick. Problem central. As Roy attempted to watch TV, Dick was getting fidgety. He started by just shifting every so often. Then he'd change how he was sitting. He eventually ended up upside down with his legs hanging over the back of the couch. "Ugh just sit still would you?" Roy snapped, sick of seeing something move in the corner of his eye. 

"I can't, I'm too bored. Can't we play a game or something?" the younger asked. 

"I'm not in the mood," he barked. Dick didn't seem to hear the impatience in his tone and huffed. He pushed himself off the couch and rolled onto his feet. 

"C'mon, please? Let's play hide and seek." The older glared at him before getting an idea. If he just found where he was hiding, he could probably lock him in there. Be it the room or somewhere he was actually hiding. "Fine. You hide." Dick grinned and waited for the ginger to cover his eyes before running off. 

After counting to ten, Roy got up and looked around. He knew Dick was way too hyper to stay quiet for too long so all he had to do was listen out for a giggle. He checked his phone until he eventually heard a muffled cackle. It came from Oliver's bedroom so he walked in and looked around. There was a louder muffled cackle coming from the closet. Perfect. Roy looked around and found a curtain pole that they'd replaced. Oliver must've forgotten to get rid of it. That would do. He picked it up and slid it through the handles of the closet, effectively preventing it from opening. "Enjoy your day in there Dick!" Roy announced, rather chuffed with himself. Dick pushed against the doors then slammed against them when they wouldn't open. 

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now