4th Day of Christmas (Glass pt 2)

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This is a glass part 2  

CW: blood and injury

The hospital room was crowded with various family members sitting in increasingly peculiar places. Cass took the cake for balancing on the bars at the end of the hospital bed and willing the acrobat to wake up by staring at him for hours on end. When they found him, he was out for the count and covered in his own blood. It wasn't as surprising as it should have been for them to see but that's what vigilanteism did to them. They'd seen him in worse states and they knew full well that he would wake up because he'd survived those worse things but it didn't make the wait easier. They'd been separated from him whilst they took out all the glass. The doctors had put him under due to the sheer amount of glass they needed to remove and how painful it would be to be awake. That alone was two hours and a half but it felt like years. When they were finally let in, they assumed their usual vantage spots around the room and waited impatiently. Dick stirred half an hour later and it took a few blinks for him to understand what he was seeing. His eyes dragged around the room, studying each of the faces before he smiled. 

"Told you they'd find me," he said tauntingly. The Batgirls smirked whilst the Robins groaned. Bruce stayed neutral as per usual. He never seemed to win whenever he picked a side so he'd learned to stay out of it. 

"Watch it, Goldie," Jason grumbled. He let out a light cackle in response to the threat and tried to sit himself up but winced at the movement. Barbara frowned and pressed the button to move the bed up. She pressed a kiss against his forehead that he practically melted under. "Don't try that shit with us again though or you'll have more to worry about than stitched-up hands," Jason added.

"How much glass was it?" he asked out of interest. 

"Four hundred or so," Damian answered. "You're a new hospital record. What an achievement." 

"Nice, I beat Mr Jenkins! That guy has held the record for ages."

"You better not have tried to beat his record. I'm going to have to look after you for the next three weeks since you can't walk or use your hands," Barbara huffed.

"Well, maybe I can borrow your hands for something else when we're home," he whispered, hiding his lips so no one could lip-read. It wasn't hard to guess what he said by the small blush on his girlfriend's face and by her lightly hitting his chest.

"Richard!" she scolded playfully. 

"You love me really." 

"You're damn lucky I do," she replied before kissing him on the lips. He smiled against them.

"Alright, break it up you two before Damian catches a murder charge," Tim announced. The couple broke apart with laughter. "I must say, I thought you'd be more down. About your parents and all."

"It's been years Tim. Hurts but I'm fine." His smile didn't waver when he spoke so they believed him. They guessed he'd experienced so much since then and it'd been so long that it was now a sting more than a stab. "Now, someone please tell that Riddler and Scarecrow got what was coming to them."

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