You forgot me pt 2

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good ol angst with no happy ending

After kicking his family out of his flat, Dick blocked everyone in his contacts and disabled all the trackers he had. That took about two hours alone since his suit had multiple tiny ones that were ever so tricky to get out when you were trembling with anger. He didn't want anyone trying to contact him or stop him on patrol because they knew he was out. He didn't want apologies, he didn't want excuses, he didn't want to see any of them. In order to do that, he'd have to skip town for a bit. He grabbed his Nightwing suit because even if he was running away from the hero community, he wasn't going to run away from his duty as a hero. Someone else could take over Bludhaven whilst he was away. He'd already given enough to that city. Along with his suit, he filled a duffle bag with a few sentimental items and weapons which really proved he had no work-life balance when he had more weapons than items. Despite his anger at them, he allowed himself to keep a few momentos of his family and friends. He'd regret it otherwise. It took two duffel bags to have everything he needed which he shouldered before picking up his wallet, phone and keychain. He shouldered the bags and walked out of the flat, staring at it for a moment before closing the door and locking it. Right now he had something of a golden hour to get out of Bludhaven and find somewhere to lay low for a bit. He decided to just drive until he could no longer drive and stay overnight in a motel before doing the same again until he felt he could stop for longer. Perhaps this would be the gap year vibe he'd missed due to dedicating his life to work. He liked that idea. This could be a sort of self-care time where he could reflect on things. With this in mind, he plugged in his phone and put on a playlist to really fuel the spite he had then got to driving. 

Bruce, rightly so, was panicked. He'd forgotten Dick's birthday. He'd promised to never do it again and he'd intended to stick by that yet here he was desperately hoping someone other than Alfred didn't forget about his son. The results broke his heart. It shouldn't be this way but every phone call followed the same format. He'd ask if they knew it was Dick's birthday and they'd either tell him to stop joking or realize that they forgot right away and promise to call the acrobat. Not long after, he'd receive a text saying they couldn't get a hold of Dick. Some got panicked upon realizing the gravity of the situation and others were annoyed that his own family had forgotten, seemingly forgetting that they'd also forgotten. He passed on the message that Dick had cut them off to everyone but only a handful took it at face value. Whilst he was calling, his proteges got apprehensive. 

"He's still not responding," Jason complained after calling for the tenth time. Good thing Bruce was paying for his phone bill. 

"Have you guys thought of actually giving him space?" Duke suggested. He hadn't engaged with the constant calling and texting of other people and Dick. He supposed he was more understanding than they could be when someone needed to cut ties. Granted, he was still upset to be caught up in the mess but he didn't find much point in pushing Dick closer to just IP blocking the whole League. "He's just been hurt and I doubt you're making it any better doing exactly what he didn't want."

"You don't know Grayson like we do," Damian barked. He received a look from the new addition to their found family and he let out a frustrated sigh. The least he could do for Dick at this moment was explain why this situation was a massive fuck up. "When he gets stressed, he runs. He ran away when he was Robin when Father threatened his position as Robin, upon taking up a new mantle and so on and so forth. Everyone forgetting his birthday is an adequate stressor to make him run and we cannot allow that."

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now