If not now then maybe never pt 2

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Since their last mission, he'd distanced himself from the team and took some time to think about what he did. In the end, he just felt embarrassed for how he'd acted. It wasn't their fault he didn't tell them about the injury nor for assuming he had things handled. He shouldn't have blown up as he did. 

"I'm sorry, I was unprofessional whilst we had our first mission away and I ruined things," Robin announced.

"Hey, it's okay dude," Wally replied.

"It wasn't. I should know better than to blindly go after my teammates because you didn't react how I thought you would when you found me. What happened was nothing to do with you and all to do with me."

"Does that mean we get to know who you are now?" M'gann asked excitedly. He shook his head, feeling some guilt pool at the bottom of his stomach for even giving them that hope. Even if they had reacted in a way he preferred, he would've found a way to chicken out of telling them. Batman's approval still meant the world to him.

"No, I can't. Batman will have my head if I so much as tell you my eye colour. He already chewed me out when I mentioned we were heading towards my school on one mission," he explained.

"You said that?" Artemis questioned, her friends giving similarly confused looks. 

"It was an off-handed comment don't worry about it. Point is, I'm going to do a better job at handling myself and not offering things I can't make good on."

"It's all good man," Wally insisted. "We kinda guessed you were worked up more from the injury than anything else." He didn't know why that made him feel so small but it did. He was supposed to be better than that. To not let anything get in the way of a mission no matter what it was. He'd been so good at extending that to his friendships that now he'd made this mistake he couldn't shift that crawling beneath his skin scolding him for what he did. The acceptance of his apology was useless and he knew Wally was doing it to make him feel better so he just put on a smile to fake that it worked. 

"Yeah, it won't happen again guys. I've uh I've actually got a session with BC today so I could hang out after that if you're okay with me being here?"

"Of course we are. It was a one-off. Every friendship group fights," Artemis assured him.

"And they make up too. You've already said you're sorry," M'gann added.

"I mean it too. I promise," he said, sounding more desperate than he had meant to. They'd caught it too which made him feel rather pathetic. Like a child begging for forgiveness after being punished. 

"We know," Kaldur replied. "When's your session with Black Canary?"

"In a few minutes. I better go." They nodded and carried on with whatever activities he interrupted. Robin stared at them for a few moments before turning and heading to the therapy room. It had been a permanent feature after failsafe and, although he could definitely figure out ways to get out of it and had in the past, today he actually wanted to go. He needed help so it didn't happen again.

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now