Wings? For Robin? At least it matches my aesthetic

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I know for god damned fact someone requested this but Wattpad is homophobic so they DELETED THE FUCKING USERNAME *ahem* so if this is your request you know the deal - comment that this is your request and I'll tag you!!


it was Queen1Anonymous

Robin woke up on a table, strapped down with tough leather and unbreakable buckles yet he still tried to wiggle his way out. He wouldn't just sit there. He went through his memories to see what the hell happened to him for this to be his current situation. Kid Flash, Aqualad and himself went to CADMUS after finding out their mentors weren't giving them anything they didn't already have. They went down the elevator, to the depths of the facility and found Project Kr who when freed fought them. Not very grateful if you asked him. He'd passed out in the fight and he could feel the ache of where the clone had pressed down on him. That was going to hurt in the morning. He let his eyes wander around the room, finding it to be unmanned. They were confident enough to leave him alone here so that couldn't be good. He tilted his head to see an IV drip of something definitely not good for him. Following the tubing of the bag proved that it was stuck in his arm. Great. Just fabulous. He was being experimented on by a super shady business that already had a clone of Superman in their basement. Maybe they were cloning him and then killing him? Perhaps they were turning him into some sort of super-soldier. Whatever they were doing, they wouldn't succeed in doing it. He fidgeted and pulled more when he noticed something. Part of his skin poked out between his sleeve and his glove. It wasn't a very big space but it was a space nonetheless. He'd glanced at it partially when he'd seen the tubing of the IV but now that he really looked, he knew something was off. There was something there. Peaking out from beneath his sleeve was what looked like the end of a wing. A feathered wing to be precise. He tilted his head as he got as close as he could to it. It looked like a tattoo. Did they tattoo him whilst he was out of it? Batman was so going to kill him if he came back with a tattoo. What was he saying? The guy was going to kill him already for sneaking out and getting captured! A tattoo would just be the cherry on top. He glanced over to his other arm and found the same thing peeking out from under his other sleeve. How big was this tattoo? Robin huffed and put his head back as he tried to think about what to do next. That's when he noticed a screen. On the screen was a percentage written in bold. 90%. Underneath that percentage was some writing. 

Subject stable. Entering the final stage of mutation. 

Entering what now? His brain buzzed at the word mutation. What did that mean? Was he the subject? Logically, he was the subject and logically this IV drip was something that was mutating his DNA. Exactly what it was doing, he didn't know and he hated not knowing. He had a feeling it was related to the weird tattoos. Final stage was what stumped him. Was something supposed to- "SHIT!" His own scream had cut off the thought. Something had just stabbed him in the back, hard enough to go deep into his flesh. He felt something awful. A scrape against his spine then the feeling of something drilling. He screamed louder as white-hot pain raced through his body. The drilling didn't cease even as he tried to buck away. He couldn't move away from it thanks to the straps pressing him against the table. Robin had been tortured before but this was something else entirely. The feeling of your bones being drilled without any sort of painkiller or anaesthesia. There was nothing he could do to escape the pain so he turned his head and did his best to watch the percentages grow with each moment he was drilled into. It felt painfully slow but soon enough the drilling stopped and something was slotted into him. He didn't know what it was, whether it was organic or not but he found himself thankful that the pain at least stopped. Through vision blurred with tears, he read the screen. 

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now