Did you get normal butter this time?

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 requested this but I think they changed their name? I can't find their request - which is why i prefer you message me privately rather than comment things because my pea brain can't remember shit - so I couldn't flush out some details 

It's probably been like five years since I last watched Teen Titans all the way through and I shit you not whenever i remember that scene where Robin stood expressionless, arms folded, in front of a boom box that was so loud it was making his hair go back I have to giggle

Our man said eardrums be damned i'm listening to dubstep full volume and it fuckin cracks me up

Today was Friday and Friday was grocery day. Robin was in one of those moods where he never wanted to go outside again aside from at night and the only people he wanted to talk to were his team. Due to this, he stayed home whilst his team went out. He decided that he would clean up whilst they were out so he could pull his weight and he'd sent the team out with a shopping list because there was no way in hell he was going to let those slightly grown-up children to get everything they needed. At one point, he couldn't go with them because he was on bed rest and they came back with sweets, crisps (fuck you), and fizzy drinks. When Robin asked if they got butter, he was presented with cookie butter. How any of them stayed in shape was a mystery. He supposed they did learn their lesson as halfway through the week they were begging for something substantial. So, this time, he trusted them to follow the list and only deviate a few times. He began doing the dishes, putting on the boombox so he had something to listen to. The tower felt too quiet without everyone. 

After finishing the dishes, he moved on to moping up when he heard the door behind him open. He counted the footsteps, finding that there were way more than just his team. He played it cool, pretending he didn't hear the noise and glanced to the pans that reflected the living room. He scowled when he saw who it was and huffed to himself. He really wasn't in the mood. "Get out," Robin stated. Standing only a few feet away was his family. At least, it was his previous family. They were nothing more than colleagues now. When Robin was almost taken from him, they all agreed with Batman so they could piss off before they even attempted to say anything to him. Well, anything other than sorry but he doubted any of them would. Each of them he'd put trust in and each of them stabbed him in the back. His team, Young Justice, agreed that perhaps being Robin was simply too dangerous at his age. Maybe he could train for a while and then come back. He left before they could continue their argument. The main seven of the league: Aquaman, Batman, Flash, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, Superman, and Wonder Woman. His scowl harshened further at the sight of his old mentor. Batman was the one to start all this.  He decided that this was all necessary. Dickhead.  His friends stood by him too. They said he should come back to the hero gig when he was better prepared or not come back at all. They offered he could join the police force or work somewhere with the law. Maybe he could be a lawyer. They all knew that wouldn't be enough for Robin so he left them behind too. Then there was Roy. The last person he saw before leaving. He expected some sort of support but Roy agreed with the team and the League. Robin got him hurt too many times. That was the final push to leave. Jump City would be his new home and he left before anything could be set in place. "We just want to talk," Miss Martian stated.

"You have plenty of other people to talk to," Robin replied. "So get out of my tower and never come back."

"Look we know we weren't fair to you when your title was taken and you've grown so much with the team you have here so we believe you're ready to be part of the League. Properly," Wonder Woman added. She expected Robin to look at her with that excited look she missed so much but he looked unfazed. He hardly spared her so much as a glance. Robin continued to mop and act like he was alone in the room. "C'mon Dick, we messed up but we're trying to make things better," Kid Flash insisted. The use of his previous name made him slam the mop into the bucket and glare at his former best friend. Someone he'd once thought of as a brother. 

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