What's this?

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ginger300 suggested trans Dick so here it is

There was a secret that Dick was hiding. A secret he knew his parents would embrace but he wasn't so sure would be happily accepted in Gotham. Though his name wasn't Dick. Nor was it Richard. Not right now at least and he didn't go by he/him here. 

"Misstress Rachel, it's dinner time," Alfred called. Dick couldn't hear that name again. It burrowed under his skin like that one scarab in The Mummy. It wasn't his or at least he didn't want it anymore. It wasn't Alfred's fault the name made him want the floor to swallow him up but he couldn't take anymore. He was going to do it tonight and if he got kicked out so be it. He knew enough now to survive on his own and he'd figure something out. Sure he'd miss everything this new life had given him but whose to say this isn't just another bad event followed by something good?

"Coming!" He walked downstairs, joining Bruce at the table, and he set his eyes on the food in front of him. As lovely as it looked, he simply couldn't eat it. He was too nervous to swallow even a bite and his hands were shaking too much for him to grip the fork properly. He had to say something but this could end so badly. Maybe he should at least try to eat something in case this all went wrong and he was forced out with only the clothes on his back.

"Rachel? Something the matter?" Bruce asked, noticing that he hadn't started eating. Rookie error. He always ate as soon as his eyes locked in on food. Thank juvie for that one. Dick squeezed his eyes shut and prepared himself to spill the beans. He couldn't pretend anymore.

"Yea. I need to tell you something but you might be mad and I really don't want you to be mad at me."

"Did you break another chandelier?" the older asked, half joking half seriously.

"Not this time. It's uh, it's more personal."

"What is it?" He looked concerned which oddly brought Dick some comfort. Perhaps his care will outweigh his reservations and quell his potential temper.

"I'm not a girl. I'm a boy just in a girl's body," he said quickly and all within one breath before staring at his mentor intently.

Bruce stared at him for a moment, his eyes making the younger shrink under his gaze. He couldn't take the silence. He needed something, anything! Even if he was going to get yelled at he just wanted to have it and not wait. He was never the patient type and that was never more obvious now than now.

"Do you have a preferred name?" Bruce asked finally. His voice gave nothing away. It wasn't angry but it wasn't excited either. 

"Richard. Dick for short."

"Alfred, a moment," the billionaire called. Alfred walked in with a confused expression, having been too busy cleaning the mess from making dinner to listen to the conversation in the next room. "Misstress Rachel is now Master Richard although he will shorten it to Dick. He/him pronouns should be used when referring to him. I wish for you to insist on the change if anyone says differently." The butler nodded with a soft smile. 

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now