New book baby

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*snorts* AH that new book smell

Time to fill this with Dick 

let's start this off with a request from _GetTraughtOrGetDead - they challenged me and I'm always up for making my readers cry so let's hope this will go as well as they wanted or as bad as they wanted?


People are like books. Everybody sees the cover and some decide to look inside. Throughout time, people may decide they don't like the book and put it back or they might continue until they finish it. Everyone is like a book. Well not entirely everyone. Dick was part of the smaller group. These people looked like books and you think you can see the pages but when you look inside there's nothing there. Sometimes you'll hide something in the void of that book, sometimes you'll leave it empty. Dick looked like everyone else. He smiled, he laughed, he cried, he did everything you and I would do. But that was his book cover. Inside, he felt nothing. He hadn't felt anything for years. He could pinpoint the exact day everything changed. The day he began to feel nothing. It was the day his parents fell. The world instantly felt cold. It was as if that one snapshot of time was the exact moment he forgot what feelings were. He couldn't remember nor could he trigger an emotion that was positive from that moment on. There was one thing that Dick could feel was the pain. A very particular type of pain that only those who lost someone would feel. That's all he could feel.

If you asked someone to describe Dick, they'd say happy. That's how well he wore the mask. Everybody expected him to be relieved that Bruce fostered him and allowed him to get a proper education. That's when the mask began. He was supposed to be a happy kid from that moment on. The act got hard to break. There'd be snippets of his true self. His real emptiness inside. Yet anyone who saw those moments wrote them off because why wouldn't he have those sad moments? He was the little kid who saw his parents die and he'd been tortured a fair few times. Having a few moments like those was completely natural. Dick struggled to let the mask slip since it became second nature. He had a reputation now. Part of him hated his family for that. They expected him to be this thing he'd never been in the first place. Bruce had known him for so long how could he not see that he was empty? How could his brothers not hear his cries for help? How could his sisters not see the pain in his eyes? How could his friends not know that he wasn't who he said he was? Why was everyone around him so blind to what was going on? Everything was an act and he was the best actor in the world.

Over time the hate boiled over. He was alive because of that damn family but what kind of life was this? A life of feeling numb wasn't something he wanted to feel anymore. They were making him feel lost whenever one of them decided they just had to leave for a while or they just decided to up and die on him. Everyone was guilty of leaving him in some way or another. None of them deserved him. Dick was always alone and yet they were so full of themselves they actually thought that they were making him feel loved. How could he feel loved when at a moment's notice he'd be back in his apartment with nothing but the cockroaches to keep him company? Sometimes he'd be joined by a bottle of Jack and a tube of painkillers. He'd think about taking them. He'd even go so far as to take a few. Then he'd pause. What good what it do if those who made him feel this way would only see him afterwards? They needed to suffer just as he had. They deserved it. They deserved to close their eyes and see the flashes of his death. They needed to know that he was empty inside. If they really loved him as they pretended to, they'd know what was going on for all these years. Yes, Dick was spiteful. Spiteful was only the half of it. One day the spite made him impulsive and that was the day they all felt what he believed they deserved to feel. At the end of the day, he wouldn't be around to feel guilty. Or at least pretend to feel guilty.

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now