Second day of Christmas

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Alfred_Is_A_Badass wanted superbat and i may had sprinkled some shipper Robin in there but shush

Batman was stubborn. Superman was stubborn when he wanted to be. Both had very strict views of justice and both weren't going to budge on that. They hated each other but that hate which had been building for years somehow turned into spiteful concern. They could spend the entire day bickering or ignoring each other but if one showed any signs of being anything from okay the other would drop the act. You could argue they were together but they'd never confirm it. Everyone knew that they were though. Robin never really got why it was supposed to be a secret and why no one had told him they were definitely together but he sure as hell shipped the pair. Luckily his confirmation of having two dads came sooner thanks to his mentor being a stubborn prick. 

"Clark!" Robin greeted excitedly, jumping into the hero's arms. 

"There's my favourite hero," he replied as he twirled him around before bringing him in for a tight hug. The boy giggled happily despite his mentor's disapproving gaze. 

"Be careful with him," Batman growled. It sounded rougher than his usual voice. His usual voice was like gargling marbles but now it sounded like he added sandpaper to the mix. Superman raised an eyebrow at him, knowing that something was up immediately. He would say something but Robin was there and the poor boy worried about people enough. 

"B said I'm coming on the mission! Diana is coming too right?" Batman nodded, watching the boy anxious as he climbed onto Superman's shoulders. Sure the person he was climbing on would easily catch him if he fell but he'd rather there be no falling in the first place. 

"She is, now get down."

"He's fine here. I've got him," Superman argued, holding onto the younger's legs to keep him in place. 

"I highly doubt that." The hero was going to continue but a cough cut him off. It sounded bad. Like it was wet. 

"Dickie, why don't you go find Diana? She should be in the kitchen. Maybe you'll get a cookie?" Superman suggested. Robin took the hint and backflipped off his shoulders before running off.

"Only one cookie," Batman called to him though he doubted the younger heard him. His voice was far too hoarse to travel that far. 

Superman walked to be beside him and stared at him. It was that look that said I know something was up. "What?" he snapped.

"Your voice. Sounds worse than usual."

"My voice is fine."


"Clark." There was some silence between them as they reached their stalemate before Superman tutted at him, wrapping his arms around his waist to pull him closer. "I hate you sometimes," he muttered. He grabbed Batman's chin and narrowed his eyes at the dark bruise peeking out from beneath the cowl. 

"Bad night?"

"Something like that," the shorter mumbled. The taller moved in to look a little closer and let his hand drop to cup Bruce's neck. There was a hiss at the new pressure, making him move instantly. 

"Definitely bad then. Take it easy today, won't you?" He got a glare for even suggesting such a thing but it didn't scare him as much as it used to. It still made him uncomfortable though. "For Dickie and I."

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now